Want to stay strong as you age? Flavonol-rich foods such as blackberries and apples help

- New research suggests that compounds found in many fruits and vegetables can help you stay fit as you age.
- The study found that every 10mg of flavonols consumed per day was associated with a 20% reduction in the likelihood of developing frailty.
- Expert They say this is due to the anti-inflammatory properties of food compounds.
- Individuals can consume more flavonols by eating foods such as apples, blackberries, broccoli, and red onions.
When it comes to health, there are certain things that you can expect to happen as you age. physical strength, hearing lossthe onset of frailty.
Well, new research I’ve found that eating foods rich in flavonols, such as: apple and blackberrieswhich may make you less likely to develop the latter.
This research Marcus Aging InstituteEvery 10mg/day increase in flavonol intake was associated with a reduced chance of developing frailty (a condition that affects about 10-15% of older people and increases the risk of falls, fractures, disabilities, hospitalization, and death). There was found. Increases by 20%.
In particular, foods such as apples and blackberries have flavonoid called Quercetin May be most important for frailty prevention.
Commenting on the findings of the study, the study authors commented in a press release: “There may be some validity to the old adage that an apple a day keeps the doctor (or the infirm) away.”
The researchers also noted that “one medium-sized apple contains about 10 mg of flavonols, so individuals can easily consume 10 mg of flavonols per day.”
“Flavonols are one of six compounds that form part of a larger group of compounds known as flavonoids,” he explained. Doctor.Shireen Kassamco-founder of plant based health online. “This group of compounds is found in a wide variety of substances. fruit and vegetable And in general, they act as antioxidants in the body, protecting cells from: oxidative stress It’s caused by free radicals. “
Kassam noted that consumption of flavonol-rich foods is associated with lower flavonol concentrations. inflammation Cellular stress reduces the risk of various chronic diseases such as:
If frailty is a concern, registered dietitian Kathleen Benson says: top nutrition coachingstates that flavonols prevent its occurrence in several ways.
“Frailty is the most common symptom of aging and represents an overall decline in bodily function. Typical features of frailty include loss of muscle mass, weight loss, difficulty in mobility and fatigue.” There are many,” she pointed out.
A precise understanding of how flavonols work in the body is still being researched, but flavonoids have anti-allergic, anti-inflammatory, antiviral, antioxidant properties and may prevent frailty. has been shown in various experiments, Benson said.
She pointed out that flavonols work alongside other phytonutrients in different mechanisms throughout the body.
“For example, quercetin, one of the most studied flavonoids, may help with age-related diseases due to its powerful antioxidant properties and synergy with other nutrients. This means that quercetin naturally helps other chemical processes in the body do their jobs,” explains Benson.
For Kassam, the positive association between flavonols and frailty all hinges on one word: inflammation.
“The most likely reason for the positive findings is that flavonols can reduce the level of inflammation and cellular stress in the body, thereby preventing the development of frailty,” she reasoned. .
“Most health conditions are caused by inflammation, and when it becomes chronic, it can cause physical changes that lead to frailty. and the immune system works better,” Kassam speculated.
Ultimately, both experts agreed that the findings of this study are a positive development. This can help you decide which fruits and vegetables to prioritize as you age.
Kassam noted that frailty can have a significant impact on overall health and well-being.
“Presence of frailty is associated with increased risk of adverse outcomes from a range of conditions, including infections, increased risk of falls, need for hospitalization, and need for long-term care,” she noted.
Consuming a flavonol-rich diet may counteract some of these risks.
The good news is that you don’t have to eat a lot of flavonol-rich foods to see the benefits.
Eating plenty of fruits and vegetables is good for overall health, but this study shows that even small amounts of this compound can have positive effects, Kassam said. increase.
“As little as 10mg in one medium-sized apple has been shown to have significant effects. , eat a variety of healthy plant foods,” she said.
So, now that you know how much you need, how can you increase your intake of flavonol-rich foods?
Benson recommends adding the following foods to your diet:
The point is, you don’t need to make drastic changes to your diet.
“A half-cup of kale in a mixed greens salad topped with a tablespoon of diced red onion and other ingredients of your choice gives you just over 10mg,” she notes.
You can also add a handful of blueberries to your overnight oats, slice an apple (which contains about 10mg of quercetin) and pair it with your favorite nut butter, or snack on broccoli.
While it can feel uncomfortable to focus on just one food compound, such as a flavonol, Kassam doesn’t recommend it.
Instead, to slow the age-related decline, she says, it’s a good idea to overhaul your diet as a whole.
“A diet centered on healthy plant foods such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, beans, nuts and seeds is considered the best way to maintain good health as we age, and reduce frailty. It also helps,” she points out.
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