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Within COVID-19, MIS-C begins to influence children. Should parents worry?


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(P Sreedharan / BCCL, Coimbatore)

Of the estimated 12 million people tested positive for COVID-19 worldwide since its outbreak, only 6% have children. Hospitalization rates are higher for children under the age of 5 compared to older children, but children also make up less than 3% of hospitalized patients. There are many reasons speculated as to why COVID-19 had less impact on children.

One explanation is that the virus is unable to attach to the inner linings of the body (eg, the nasal mucosa) because the receptors are low in children. Second, the antibodies are produced by other viruses that children are exposed to, which protects them, and these antibodies are protective, according to the Pediatric Cardiology Department at Fortis Hospital in Marund. Dr. Swati Garekar, a consultant, points out.

Yet another reason is that during the pandemic, children are at home and less likely to be exposed to COVID-19 positives.

India is the second most populous country in the world, with demographic characteristics of a young country, where 26 percent (of 167 million out of 1.4 billion) are children under the age of 15. This can lead to a huge number of COVID-19 positive cases. However, the rate of recovery of the Indian population from COVID-19 is faster than most countries and the mortality rate is much lower.

Multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children (MIS-C)

Recently, there have been some reports highlighting the unique diseases that affect children. In it, the children experienced persistent fever (more than 3 days), rash, red eyes, stomach pain, and nausea/vomiting, informing Dr. Garekar.

“Sore throat and cough/cold are less common. Blood tests show systemic inflammation, the heart is involved in the main method. Here, there are no typical adult findings of bad pneumonia. With or without a positive COVID-19 test (PCR or antibody test), I may have been in close contact with COVID-19 patients. Experts are most concerned about their involvement in the heart.” I mourn.

“Myocardium may be weakened, coronary walls may be damaged. Special infusions (steroids and immunoglobulins) are needed to control the disease. These drugs , Is most effective when given early in the course of the disease.”

A unique illness that affects multiple organs in a child is called “multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children” (MIS-C), she says. While cases of MIS-C have not been widely reported in India, experts say it is important to note the symptoms.

This is clearly defined by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) US. MIS-C was first reported by Europe and then by the United States. It seems to occur at the end of the epidemic, two to four weeks after the peak infectivity in the population.

Dr. Galekar recommends that parents contact their pediatrician if their child has a persistent fever and has a rash, red eyes, or abdominal pain/vomiting. Suspicion of MIS-C should be investigated in sick children. Pediatricians usually quickly rule out probable causes such as typhoid fever, dengue, and malaria.

“Another imitator is “Kawasaki disease”. Kawasaki disease affects a young population (under 5 years old). Here, unlike MIS-C, the platelet count is high. Also, myocardial damage is more frequent with MIS-C. Cardiac involvement can be picked up by echocardiography and specific blood markers of heart inflammation. Early diagnosis and treatment reduces the chance of early recovery and long-term damage. In short, there is no reason to panic, but parental vigilance is key.”


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