Does the gym workout right now? -New Indian Express
Express news service
Hyderabad: Talk to some gym freaks if the government has allowed the gymnasium to open from August 5th, so you’re ready to go back to the gym or want to sweat at home.
Jim must allow clients according to reservation
The COVID-19 pandemic brought a depression that I have never seen. There is always news about myriad start-ups and individuals facing financial problems and the consequences of suicide. Life turned over. A new light of hope arrived with each unlock. Various things such as offices, markets, malls, roads, trains and planes are already open. As a fitness enthusiast, moderator and entertainer, I’m glad to see the gym and yoga center open on August 5th.
During the lockdown, I was working out at home without weights or cardio machines. I was doing Suryanamascar, burpee, walks and light dumbbell workouts. However, it is not the same as exercising at the gym. There are millions of distractions at home, and without proper machinery and trainers, there is also the risk of injury. I understand that many would say that a gym is neither a need nor a priority. I agree, many do not. But neither is a mall, a place of worship, or a party. Jim is a small business that suffers badly for Covid-19, and so does our health and fitness.
I’ve heard that hundreds of gyms will be closed and trainers will lose their jobs. I think we need to let go of fear to regain stability, but follow strict governmental instructions. Entertainers and sports people need to take care of their fitness a little more than the average man, as their performance depends on it. I work out at a gym in my gated community. Our management takes proper care by establishing strict gym rules. We ask all gym enthusiasts, trainers, and gym managers to be very careful and responsible for cleanliness.
First, don’t be shy to check the client’s Aarogya Setu app to make sure they don’t come from the containment zone. Depending on the size of the gym, we will allow clients according to the reservation window. Clean the equipment often and have the client bring gloves. Put a disinfectant at the entrance. Please do not touch each other. Increase your housekeeping staff and train them properly (and well paid, very important in these times). Training brings health and positivity, and gyms bring millions of jobs. Don’t be afraid to go to the gym. — Shivaani Sen, moderator, fitness enthusiast
Estimate risk appetite
I prefer gym to working out at home every day. Of course, you must evaluate how dangerous it is based on knowing your medical situation and whether you are at high risk of infection. Choose a spacious gym that is physically separate. Some gym staff will check the temperature of the person going to the gym, regularly clean the equipment and wear a face mask. When using the equipment in the gym, pay particular attention to cleaning it before and after use. Sweat, wipe your face, and touch the handle to expose the device to bacteria and saturate it. Therefore, clean the equipment before and after, even if the user looks healthy. —Kuldeep Goud, Youtuber, pilot of Pilotbody, the founder of DME! -(Input by Ananya Mariam Rajesh)
Need to take care of “SMS”
Having lived with the virus and learned how to protect myself mentally and physically, I will return to the gym when it opens. I don’t mind hitting a gym with proper hygiene and protection. I really look forward to regular gym sessions starting on August 5th. However, there are many things to keep in mind, such as social distances that need to be followed, disinfection and wearing a mask. I miss lifting weights and challenging myself at that point, so I choose a gym workout. You can only do a limited amount of exercise at home, but if you need to challenge yourself, I recommend doing a lot in your weight setup and gym environment. At home I become lazy and absorbed in other work. When we go to a designated place, we want to start a workout. Had the gym not been open, I would have been exercising at home with the help of online videos. But they are open, so I go to the gym 3 times a week and do a short workout at home on other days. — Reema Narendra, digital marketer, boxer, fitness enthusiast, UX/UI designer
Yes, Jim, but a little later
At the moment the lockdown was announced, I could only think of my “gym.” As a fitness enthusiast spending more than 1.5 hours in the gym every day, I was literally frightened. When I began to adapt to the “new normals” around us, I decided to give a shot to my “workout from home”. I started a 1.5 hour workout at home. This helped me reach my fitness goals and control my madness. I was desperately waiting to get back to the gym, but I think it’s too early to get back to these stressful times. Once things are back to normal I would love to go back to the gym. Weight training and many other fitness goals can only be achieved through gym training. So I keep working out at home, working on my personal strength and endurance. And what are you waiting for those who have not yet worked out? We recommend that you start right now. Apples of the day are said to keep doctors away, but with exercise I believe apples of the day keep doctors away! — Akshat Kumar, CPA by profession, fitness enthusiast by passion
-Manju Latha Kalanidhi
kalanidhi @ newindianexpress.
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