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Will climate change lead to more mosquitoes in Atlantic Canada? What NS researchers want to know

Will climate change lead to more mosquitoes in Atlantic Canada? What NS researchers want to know


Some biologists predict that climate change could bring new insects to Atlantic Canada.

Laura Ferguson, an assistant professor in Acadia University's biology department, is among those studying insects in Nova Scotia.

Some of her work focuses on the Asian tiger mosquito, which may or may not be present in Nova Scotia. These small black and white mosquitoes are widespread in the United States and Europe and can transmit Zika and West Nile viruses.

Ferguson said researchers are tracking the expanding range of species once found in warmer regions.

“Now that climate change is warming the world, they are encroaching into these areas. [where we] We've never done that before,” Ferguson said.

Ferguson and a team of Acadia students are conducting research to determine what types of mosquitoes are present in Nova Scotia and how their bodies function, particularly in relation to temperature.

38 known species in NS

Thirty-eight mosquito species have been identified in the state, with more than 40 species found in coastal areas.

A research team in Wolfville, New South Wales, has many questions related to the Asian tiger mosquito, including how the species spreads across the state and whether it can survive the winter.

Ferguson said part of the research involved looking at Asian tiger mosquitoes under a microscope.

“Essentially, what we're doing right now is trying to figure out how we can treat this virus here and contain it here.

“The problem is… when you're dealing with an invasive species that isn't here yet, but may end up here, you have to be really careful about making sure it doesn't get out there. is.”

Ferguson said her project could involve researchers collaborating with labs where Asian tiger mosquitoes have already been identified, rather than bringing the species to Nova Scotia.

Helping her along the way were awards including a $190,000 grant from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council.

Paul Manning of Dalhousie University says it's difficult to predict how changing climate will affect mosquitoes and other species.

Manning, an assistant professor who teaches entomology, said it's important that researchers continue to monitor insect populations for changes.

“Some insects are very good at withstanding these fluctuations, while others are much less able,” he says.

“We definitely need more people counting insects, observing insects, reporting insects, and trying to figure out how populations change year-over-year.”

Mr Ferguson said it was important to understand not only changes in mosquito populations, but also the risks mosquitoes posed to humans and animals.




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