Unique intermittent fasting regimen promotes weight loss and gut health
- Protein pacing means consuming protein at regular intervals, while intermittent fasting means alternating periods of fasting with periods of eating.
- Recent studies suggest that combining these two approaches may lead to superior weight loss outcomes and improved gut health and metabolic responses compared to a simple calorie-restricted diet.
- Although this new diet showed significant benefits, the studies were small and research on this type of diet is limited.
- Experts recommend prioritizing the health of your gut flora and seeking personalized weight management advice from a licensed physician or nutritionist.
According to a recently published study,
The study was based on data and samples from a small randomized controlled trial published in 2009.
The first trial compared the benefits of two dietary approaches over an eight-week period: simple calorie restriction and a unique diet that combined intermittent fasting and protein pacing.
Protein pacing means consuming protein at regular intervals throughout the day. Intermittent fasting Alternate periods of fasting and eating.
Both the calorie restriction and intermittent fasting and protein pacing diets produced significant changes, but the intermittent fasting and protein pacing group saw greater loss of body fat. Visceral fatweight, and desire to eat.
The new analysis contributes to the original study findings, suggesting that intermittent fasting and a protein-paced diet may significantly reduce gastrointestinal symptoms and promote gut bacteria associated with a leaner body shape.
Additionally, intermittent fasting and protein pacing diets may increase beneficial proteins (cytokines) and amino acid by-products in the blood that are associated with weight and fat loss.
The study was funded by Isagenix International LLC, which provided the meal replacements, beverages and supplements used in the trial.
In the study, researchers from Arizona State University and their colleagues analyzed data from a clinical trial involving 41 people who were overweight or obese.
Participants were randomly assigned to follow one of two dietary treatments for eight weeks: continuous calorie restriction or intermittent fasting and protein pacing.
The calorie restricted diet consisted primarily of whole foods, while the intermittent fasting and protein pacing diet combined intermittent fasting and protein pacing, including whole food and supplement shakes and bars.
On both diets, participants' total fat, carbohydrate, sodium, sugar and calorie intake was reduced by approximately 40% from baseline levels, resulting in an average deficit of 1,000 calories.
The intermittent fasting and protein-paced diet consists of a modified fasting period of 36-60 hours per week and an intake of 350-550 calories per day, with four meals per day for women and men, spaced four hours apart, containing 25-50 grams of protein per meal for five to six days.
Compared to calorie-restricted diets, intermittent fasting and protein pacing diets significantly reduce carbohydrates and Dietary fiber And protein.
Despite many differences, the diets were matched in terms of calories consumed and calories burned through physical activity.
Participants self-reported their daily food intake in addition to daily monitoring by researchers and weekly dietitian meetings.
Stool and blood samples were collected before, during, and after the intervention to assess the gut microbiota.
The study authors compared these markers between the two groups to identify significant differences in response to the two diets.
In the initial research study, both groups reported significant improvements, but the intermittent fasting and protein pacing group saw greater improvements in:
- weight
- Total Fat
- Visceral fat mass
- Desire to eat
- The percentage of fat-free mass.
The current analysis found significant changes in intestinal responses to both dietary interventions, which may help explain the changes observed with intermittent fasting and the protein-paced diet. Weight Management advantage.
Participants in the intermittent fasting and protein pacing group experienced the following benefits:
- Notable improvements Gastrointestinal symptoms
- More significant changes in gut microbiota
- There was a greater overall change from baseline compared to the calorie restricted group.
The researchers noted that the intermittent fasting and protein intake group in particular saw an increase in certain gut bacteria. ChristensenaceaeThis has been associated with reduced visceral fat, improved fat oxidation, and enhanced metabolic health.
Additionally, intermittent fasting and protein pacing increased circulating amino acid metabolites that promote fat oxidation and cytokines associated with lipolysis (the breakdown of fat), weight loss, inflammation, and immune response.
Today's Medical News He said Eliza Whitaker, MS, RDNa registered dietitian and medical nutrition advisor at Dietitian Insights, who was not involved in the study, explained the significance of the intermittent fasting and protein-paced diet results.
“Increase in amino acid-derived metabolites in the gut microbiota of participants following intermittent fasting and protein pacing therapy
While intermittent fasting and protein pacing showed greater benefits overall, the calorie restricted diet showed more pronounced increases in metabolites related to metabolic pathways associated with longevity.
The study also found a correlation between the composition of an individual's gut microbiota and their level of weight loss in response to a dietary intervention.
MNT We spoke again Alexandra Fillingeri, DCN, RDN, We asked a registered dietitian and physician in clinical nutrition who was not involved in the study why intermittent fasting and protein pacing may have better outcomes for gut and metabolic health.
She said,[b]Bacteria that inhabit the human gastrointestinal tract produce bioactive metabolites that are known to impact health.”
Fillingieri explained:
“The bacterial environment in the gut changes based on certain inputs. Essentially, by changing caloric intake, fiber sources and amino acid availability, we can influence the types of bacteria in the gut. [intermittent fasting and protein pacing]Protein availability, meal intervals and fasting duration were shown to have a positive effect on microbial species.”
Thomas M. Holland, MD, MScPhysician-scientist David L. Schneider of the Rush Institute on Health and Aging, Rush University Health System, was not involved in the study but provided additional insights.
Holland said it's difficult to pinpoint exactly why the intermittent fasting and protein pacing diet provided significantly more beneficial results than the calorie-restricted diet, but noted that “the combination of intermittent fasting and meal replacement with protein shakes may be an important factor.”
“The intermittent feeding period and the high protein content of the shakes likely promoted competition for the gut microbiota. In addition, the fiber in the shakes[d] “The benefits are numerous, including improved blood sugar control, reduced cholesterol absorption (leading to lower LDL levels and improved cardiovascular health), and enhanced overall gut health.”
– Thomas M. Holland, MD, MSc
“That's not to say that calorie restriction alone wasn't beneficial, it just didn't have as much of an impact,” he emphasized.
This study highlights differences in gut microbiota and circulating metabolites associated with dietary interventions that promote weight loss and changes in body composition. These findings may help shape future precision nutrition recommendations through larger, longer-term clinical studies.
Specifically, combining intermittent fasting with a protein-paced dietary intervention may offer an innovative approach to achieving healthy weight management and improving overall health.
However, the long-term practicality and safety of this study's specific approach to intermittent fasting and protein-paced dieting have not been fully investigated.
“When it comes to weight loss and gut health, precision medicine and individual differences are essential. Different diets will have different effects depending on an individual's initial constitution and goals,” Holland said.
“Ultimately, increased gut microbiota diversity improves digestion and nutrient absorption, benefiting overall health, including brain and cardiovascular health,” he emphasized.
Holland said, Amount of food To lose weight, you need to pay attention to your diet and the quality of your food, ideally under the supervision of a doctor or registered dietitian.
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