Back pain causes, treatments and prevention tips
Deborah Douglas is walk She goes to work but usually stops along the way to rest her back. The 56-year-old senior lecturer at Northwestern University is often on her feet, but since her diagnosis, that has become more difficult. arthritis On her back, Spondylosislast year.
“I'm in constant pain,” she said, with the pain radiating down my legs and my whole body in agony. Sometimes just moving hurts. “I imagine in my mind how it will hurt if I actually have to move. It's not a normal life.”
Douglas's situation is quite typical. About 8 out of 10 people Everyone experiences back pain at some point in their life, but after the age of 45, back pain tends to become more common.
Why does your back hurt?
Back pain can be caused by a simple muscle strain or an underlying condition such as kidney stones, endometriosis or cancer. Chronic back pain, especially in middle age, can have several causes, including degenerative disc disease, nerve root inflammation, arthritis or misaligned vertebrae, says Dr Nicholas Beatty. physical therapist He specializes in spine sports medicine at the Hospital for Special Surgery in New York City.
Pain appears to occur slightly more frequently in women than in men, but this may be due to anatomical, biological, or A combination of factorsMany environmental and occupational factors contribute, but simply bending, twisting, lifting, walking, or standing can aggravate symptoms. Additionally, many middle-aged adults are “weekend warriors” who are relatively inactive Monday through Friday and very active on the weekends, putting them at increased risk for sprains, strains, and disk injuries.
after that ErgonomicsA mattress that's too soft, poor posture, an unsupportive chair, slouching over a laptop or phone, and a sedentary lifestyle can all contribute to chronic pain. Psychological stress (chronic stress, anxiety, depression) can worsen mechanical back pain or even cause it all, says Beatty.
“Personal beliefs about back pain and fear of moving when in pain can increase the intensity of the pain and make it last longer,” he says.
you too High risk For chronic back pain
- Not exercising
- Have a history of illness such as arthritis or cancer
- Being overweight
- Lift with your back, not your legs
- Smoking or use of other tobacco products
Other types Chronic oxidative stress According to Beatty, a diet high in processed foods, pre-diabetes, diabetes, metabolic syndrome, and poor cardiovascular health can cause inflammation within the discs, which can lead to faster degeneration of the discs than normal aging.
How to treat back pain at home
Most chronic back pain can be initially treated at home with a combination of low-impact exercises like swimming, gentle stretching, and walking, along with ice, heat, and over-the-counter medications like ibuprofen. These techniques usually help relieve pain, release stiff back muscles, and make daily activities easier.
Evidence for alternative therapies such as acupuncture is mixed. Structural IntegrationBeatty says there's little risk in trying it, as long as you vet the practitioner beforehand.
What to do if home treatments don't work
If the pain persists, you should see a doctor. See a doctor right away if you experience any of the following signs: acute pain, bowel or bladder changes, weakness, fever, chills, or unexpected weight loss. Additionally, “People with cardiovascular or kidney disease need to be sure their back pain is just mechanical and not medical. It's important for a doctor to diagnose the pain and determine the cause,” says Beatty.
Sybil Wilmont, a 54-year-old nurse researcher from Chapel Hill, North Carolina, has struggled with back pain for most of her life. So much so that she left her job as an emergency department nurse for a less physically demanding job. “My body was a wreck. I got such bad back spasms I couldn't even get up off the floor.”
After being diagnosed with multiple herniated discs, she tried a variety of treatments, including cortisone injections and physical therapy, to little avail. Other options, like disc surgery, spinal fusion, regular epidural injections, and learning to live with chronic pain, were similarly unappealing.
Wilmont Physical Therapists Sacroiliac joint dysfunctionor SI, is an extremely painful condition that can be difficult to diagnose and is often mistaken for a herniated disc or sciatica. An SI joint specialist quickly confirmed that this was the primary cause of her pain.
The condition is common in pregnant women, but can have other causes. In Wilmont's case, a fall while horseback riding as a child led to instability in the joint. At 43, she Open arthrodesis After healing, I have been free of SI related pain for about 10 years.
“It's given me my life back,” she said. Pain from a herniated disk can be managed with ibuprofen and rest.
Be proactive about your back health
A multifaceted home health approach can help prevent back pain, and optimizing your overall health and wellbeing is key.
- Get up and walk around every hour, especially if you have a sedentary job.
- Do some gentle stretching every day
- Take a short walk around the block to keep your muscles flexible.
- If your mattress is over 10 years old, replace it.
- Practice exercises and posture tips every day to improve your body position over time. Most posture problems are correctable and can be optimized.
- If you have a physically demanding job or need to improve your office ergonomics, work with your HR department. Many HR departments partner with occupational therapists to conduct office evaluations. If re-injury is an issue, discuss your job description and physical requirements with your doctor and HR manager.
- If you are experiencing pain, avoid strenuous manipulation, strenuous exercise, or fast movements until you have been diagnosed.
- Limit the use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as ibuprofen or naproxen to a maximum of two weeks. Long-term use Gastrointestinal problemsand may become dependent on them.
Consider multiple options for managing your pain: Neuropathic medications can help target specific nerve pain, and physical therapy and exercise can help strengthen your core muscles to better support your spine. Spinal Adjustment It may improve both pain and function. Certain conditions, such as disc problems and stenosis, may be a good candidate for surgery and actually improve spinal stability. If you are unsure about surgery, seek a second opinion.
“Don't just call it back pain, get the best diagnosis and treat based on that evidence,” Beatty says.
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