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Jersey cancer patient says genetic research changed his life

Jersey cancer patient says genetic research changed his life


BBC Margi looks at the camera and smiles. She is wearing a pink jumper that exposes her right shoulder. She has short brown hair and blue eyes. She is standing in front of a bookcase.BBC

Margi Clark wants more people to know about the dangers of faulty BCRA genes

A Jersey woman has praised cancer research for changing her life.

Margi Clark has a defective BRCA gene, which increases her chances of developing certain types of cancer.

When this gene was discovered, she was advised to undergo annual tests, which revealed a small cancerous growth in 2019, and the cancer was effectively treated.

Mr Clark has joined Cancer Research UK's campaign for more funding to research how genes cause cancer and what can be done to prevent and treat cancer.

“I'm very lucky.”

Clark and her mother, Ginny Clark, decided to undergo genetic testing in 2016 because of a family history of cancer.

Clark's mother had been diagnosed with breast cancer three times in 20 years.

Tests revealed that both had mutations in the BRCA 2 gene, and they decided to undergo counseling.

Ms Clark said she was “very fortunate and fortunate” to be able to “take these tests and they really helped detect the cancer”.

Margi and Ginny sit on a gray sofa, looking at the person next to them. Margi is wearing a pink jumper that shows off her right shoulder and blue jeans. Ginny wears a red jumper, gray pants, and glasses. There is a guitar to the left of the sofa.

Margi Clark and her mother Ginny Clark say genetic testing has made a big difference for them

Clark now has a daughter, who has a 50-50 chance of inheriting the defective gene from her mother.

Ms Clarke said: 'I hope that with all donations to Cancer Research UK she will have a very different experience to ours.As medicine advances, even if she does inherit the mutation. However, I hope her experience will be better.” ”

Clark praised her daughter for raising awareness about the BRCA gene.

“You can be cautious, you can prevent it, so it’s great to let others know that there are things you can do, so that like me, you can still be here in 30 years.” I can stay,” she added.

Dr Hugo from Cancer Research UK stands in front of Southampton University Hospital in the background. He is looking at the camera with squinted eyes. He is wearing a navy blue jacket and a pink shirt. There is a tree with green leaves between him and the hospital. uk cancer research

Dr. Hugo de la Peña wants more funding for genetic research

Dr Hugo de la Peña is a breast cancer consultant at Southampton University Hospital and regularly supports Jersey patients who are sent to the hospital for treatment.

He said “support from central government is absolutely necessary” and that “the more competition there is, the better for everyone” so “different teams could compete for it”. Ta.

“We treat cancer almost every day, but it's not enough. We need to treat cancer every day, and further research is key to achieving that,” Dr. Hugo added. .

Researchers have found that about 70% of women with a defective BRCA1 or BRCA2 gene will develop breast cancer by age 80.




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