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ATC rejects Imran Khan's bail plea in 8 cases linked to May 9 riots

ATC rejects Imran Khan's bail plea in 8 cases linked to May 9 riots


The Lahore Anti-Terrorism Court (ATC) has rejected bail pleas of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) founder Imran Khan in eight cases related to the violent events of May 9. The decision was made after hearing arguments from both the prosecution and Khan's legal team.

Khan's lawyer, advocate Salman Safdar, argued that his client was in prison when the May 9 incidents occurred and that the protests were a result of the public's reaction to his client's remarks.

The defense further claimed that Khan had been involved in numerous cases, some of which had already been dismissed, and that all charges against him were politically motivated.

Lawyer Safdar noted that the allegations against Khan were part of a larger, ever-evolving narrative. He pointed to cases involving the encryption controversy, saying the legal team had already won relief in those cases in court.

He also criticized the government's inconsistent handling of the allegations, saying accusations of conspiracy against the state had not been substantiated.

Additionally, Safdar said he was not seeking acquittal or dismissal of charges, but was seeking bail, citing that Khan had been in detention for an extended period of time.

He pointed to past cases, such as that of former President Pervez Musharraf, to argue that medical evidence and judicial review would ultimately exonerate Khan.

On the other hand, the prosecution strongly opposed the bail requests, arguing that the charges against Khan were serious, including sedition and attacks on sensitive military installations. He claimed Khan's statements had incited violence and led to attacks on military and police officers.

Special Prosecutor Rao Abdul Jabbar stressed that these attacks, which included desecrating war memorials and attacking military bases, were not random but well-coordinated acts of aggression provoked by Khan's rhetoric.

He also stressed that the scale of the violence and the use of modern communication tools for planning made the situation even more serious.

The prosecutor added that the prosecution had substantial evidence, including the involvement of social media in promoting violence. He criticized Khan's claim that he was in prison during the attacks, pointing out that he used his influence to incite violence.

After hearing both sides, the court reserved its verdict. In a subsequent ruling, the ATC rejected Khan's bail applications in all eight cases linked to the May 9 violence.

Khan's legal team previously argued that the charges against him were politically motivated and that the cases were being used to suppress his party and political movement. However, the prosecution argued that the seriousness of the charges justified Khan's continued detention.




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