Canada reviews tariffs on some US products following Trump tariff threat
TORONTO (AP) Canada is already examining possible retaliatory tariffs on some products from the United States if President-elect Donald Trump follows through on his threat to impose drastic tariffs on Canadian goods, said Wednesday a senior official.
Trump has threatened to impose tariffs on products from Canada and Mexico if those countries don't stop what he calls the flow of drugs and migrants across the southern and northern borders. He said he would impose a 25% tax on all products entering the United States from Canada and Mexico in one of his first executive orders.
But Trump posted Wednesday night on Truth Social that he had a wonderful conversation with new Mexican President Claudia Sheinbaum and that she agreed to stop migration through Mexico.
Mexico will stop people from traveling to our southern border, effective immediately. This will go a long way in stopping the illegal invasion of the United States. THANKS!!! Trump posted.
It's unclear what impact this conversation will have on Trump's plan to impose tariffs.
In Canada, a government official said Canada was preparing for all eventualities and had started thinking about which products to target with retaliatory tariffs. The official stressed that no decision had been made. The person spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak publicly.
When Trump imposed higher tariffs during his first term, other countries responded by imposing retaliatory tariffs of their own. Canada, for example, announced billions in new tariffs in 2018 against the United States, in response to new taxes on Canadian steel and aluminum.
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Many American products were chosen for their political rather than economic impact. For example, Canada imports $3 million worth of yogurt from the United States each year, and most of it comes from a factory in Wisconsin, the home state of then-Speaker of the House of Representatives, Paul Ryan. This product was subject to a 10% duty.
Another product on the list was whiskey, which comes from Tennessee and Kentucky, the latter being the home state of Republican Senate leader Mitch McConnell.
Trump made the threat Monday as he railed against the influx of illegal migrants, even though the numbers at the Canadian border pale in comparison to the southern border.
The U.S. Border Patrol made 56,530 apprehensions at the Mexican border in October alone and 23,721 apprehensions at the Canadian border between October 2023 and September 2024.
Canadian officials say lumping Canada in with Mexico is unfair, but they say they are willing to invest in border security and work with the Trump administration to reduce the numbers coming from Canada. Canadians also worry about an influx of migrants heading north if Trump implements his plan for mass deportations.
Trump also denounced fentanyl coming from Mexico and Canada, even though seizures at the Canadian border pale in comparison to the Mexican border. U.S. customs agents seized 43 pounds of fentanyl at the Canadian border last fiscal year, compared to 21,100 pounds at the Mexican border.
Canadian officials maintain that their country is not the problem and that the tariffs will have serious consequences for both countries.
Canada is the primary export destination for 36 U.S. states. Nearly C$3.6 billion (US$2.7 billion) worth of goods and services cross the border every day. About 60% of U.S. crude oil imports come from Canada and 85% of U.S. electricity imports come from Canada. Canada is also the largest foreign supplier of steel, aluminum and uranium to the United States and has 34 critical minerals and metals that the Pentagon eagerly seeks and invests in for national security.
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau held an emergency virtual meeting with the leaders of Canadian provinces on Wednesday. He stressed that they must present a united front.
I do not want to downplay for one moment the seriousness of the challenge we currently face, said Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland. This is really the time for us not to bicker among ourselves.
Provincial premiers want Trudeau to negotiate a bilateral trade deal with the United States excluding Mexico.
Sheinbaum, Mexico's president, said Wednesday that her administration was already preparing a list of possible retaliatory measures if the situation got to that point.
She later said she spoke to Trump and had a great conversation.
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