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Take a look at Heru Budi Hartono's wealth, Jokowi's right-hand man becomes Jakarta MRT Commuter

Take a look at Heru Budi Hartono's wealth, Jokowi's right-hand man becomes Jakarta MRT Commuter, JAKARTA — Heru Budi Hartono officially received a new mandate after being appointed Commissioner Commissioner (Komut) of PT MRT Jakarta (Perseroda). How much does Heru have current assets?

Based on the official website of MRT Jakarta, the longest photo of the former actor. Governor of DKI Jakarta with the position of chief commissioner of one of these public transportations. Previously, Heru Budi was also known as a confidant of the 7th President Joko Widodo (Jokowi), namely the Head of the Presidential Secretariat (Kasetpres).

Heru Budi Hartono has been the Chief Commissioner of MRT Jakarta since November 2024.

Looking at his background, Heru is not only a transport officer of the MRT, but is currently also serving as special staff to the Minister-Secretary of State (mensesneg) after being inaugurated on Friday (11/29/2024).

Of course, as a state administrator, Heru also has the responsibility to report his assets to the state through the State Officials Wealth Report (LHKPN).

The wealth of Heru Budi Hartono

According to the LHKPN page, Heru Budi Hartono's total assets reach IDR 40.2 billion. He last declared his assets on March 20, 2024.

In detail, the former head of the Presidential Secretariat (Kasetpres) was recorded as having assets of up to IDR 23.2 billion with ownership of land and buildings. For example, fixed assets covering an area of ​​144 m2/145 m2 in Bekasi Regency/City through its own funds are worth IDR 772 million. Next, a land plot with an area of ​​338 m2 in East Jakarta Heritage Regency/City worth IDR 2 billion.

Then, land with an area of ​​3,500 m2 in Bogor regency/city is worth Rp 260 million, land with an area of ​​461 m2 in South Jakarta regency/city is worth Rp 1.42 billion Then the 162 m2 land in East Jakarta regency/city is worth IDR 825 million.

In addition, land with an area of ​​330 m2 in East Jakarta regency/city is worth Rp. 2.5 billion, land and buildings with an area of ​​80 m2/267 m2 in Bekasi regency/city are worth 2.5 billion Rp. 3.8 billion and land and buildings covering an area of ​​154 m2/240 m2 in the regency/city of East Jakarta, the product alone is worth IDR 1.9 billion.

Still in fixed assets, Heru owns land and buildings with an area of ​​77 m2/42 m2 in Karawang Regency/City through its own revenue worth IDR 602 million. Next, land and buildings with an area of ​​80 m2/267 m2 in Bekasi regency/city alone worth IDR 3.8 billion.

Land and buildings covering an area of ​​130.5 m2/177 m2 in Bekasi Regency/City, a product worth IDR 3.9 billion; Land with an area of ​​114 m2 in Sleman Regency/City, the product is worth IDR 315 million and land with an area of ​​154 m2 in East Jakarta Regency/City, the product is worth 1 billion IDR.

For movable assets such as transportation, Heru owns a Honda ND motorcycle. 125 KIRA 2003 thanks to a grant with an act of IDR 3.3 million. Then there is also a car, a 1996 Suzuki Escudo from his own earnings of IDR 46 million; car, Toyota Hilux 2015 on equity 211 million IDR.J

Then there is the 2019 Jimny Jimny car from its own revenue of IDR 242 million; motorcycle, Honda motorcycle in 2018 thanks to its own revenue of IDR 26.7 million; Brompton produced in 2020 with its own revenues Rp. 30 million and Toyota Land Cruiser in 2012 with its own revenues Rp. 288 million.

Heru also has other movable assets of IDR 617 million and cash and cash equivalents of IDR 15.5 billion, so Heru's total wealth is IDR 40.2 billion.

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