“I don’t know my cholesterol measurements”: DR MARTIN SCURR answers your health questions
Can you explain your cholesterol measurements? I was told 4.1 but other numbers were also given. I am 74 years old and healthy but I cannot take statins without terrible side effects.
Liz Purcell by email.
Cholesterol readings can be confusing — especially because some cholesterol is actually good for us.
A small amount of blood cholesterol is required to make hormones such as estrogen and testosterone in the body and to work metabolism efficiently. However, too much or the wrong type can cause heart disease.
Cholesterol comes from two sources: our liver produces it, and we get it from the foods we eat. It is a particle known as lipoprotein that is carried into the blood.
As the longer letters say, the level of HDL is 1.7 and we recommend below 1.2. The ratio at 3.5 should also be below 3, so it will be slightly higher. [File photo]
The most commonly known types of cholesterol are low density lipoprotein (LDL, or “bad” cholesterol) and high density lipoprotein (HDL, or “good”).
High levels of LDL are a risk factor for coronary artery disease. Heart attack; damages arteries in the brain and can lead to stroke.
In contrast, HDL is protective because it helps clear LDL from the bloodstream. Many people are well aware that the target level of total cholesterol is 5.0 mmol/liter. Evidence suggests that our levels below this are safest in the long run.
However, this number includes both harmful LDL and HDL, and the balance between the two is important.
When the numbers arrive as a lab report, the LDL level, HDL level, and ratio of HDL to total level are displayed.
As the longer letters say, the level of HDL is 1.7 and we recommend below 1.2.
The ratio at 3.5 should also be below 3, so it will be slightly higher. This means that your HDL is more than ideal (you might think that you can’t do much good, but it’s actually the optimal level, above which you lose profit).
Cholesterol comes from two sources: our liver produces it, and we get it from the foods we eat. It is carried into the blood by particles known as lipoproteins [File photo]
I point out that your LDL is 3.6 and it should be less than 3, but don’t worry too much as it’s only high enough. The 4.1 number you gave includes this and other blood fats called triglycerides.
Furthermore, it is not possible to judge the risk of arterial disease based solely on cholesterol levels.
Doctors agree that a slight rise in cholesterol levels is less important than other risk factors.
We use a calculation called QRIS K2. It takes into account age, gender, body mass index, ethnicity, family history, blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and medical history.
Statins are prescribed if the score is greater than 20% the chance of developing arterial disease over the next 10 years. The drug lowers LDL levels by reducing LDL production in the liver.
Another option is ezetimibe, a drug that reduces absorption of dietary cholesterol, because you cannot tolerate statins because of side effects. We recommend that you discuss this with your doctor when requesting QRISK2 profile results.
However, I don’t think drug treatment is essential in your case, with only a slight rise in cholesterol at age 74.
A diagnosis of posterior vitreous detachment was made, and the right eye blinked. In rare cases, retinal detachment may occur. Is there any useful procedure?
Michael Johnson, Stockport, Gtr Manchester.
The area of the eye behind the lens is filled with a gel called vitreous humor. This helps the eye maintain its shape and becomes more watery with age.
As a result, they contract away from the retina. That is, the light-sensitive nerve cells that cover the back of the eye convert the image into electrical impulses that are sent to the brain.
The contraction is called posterior vitreous detachment (PVD) and most often occurs between the ages of 50 and 75.
With PVD, there is a 3.4% chance of developing a retinal tear. The symptom of PVD is the sudden appearance of spots and spots in the field of vision.
However, it can happen sooner in people with myopia. When there is other trauma to the eye; or after an inflammatory disease.
With PVD, there is a 3.4% chance of developing a retinal tear.
The symptom of PVD is the sudden appearance of spots and spots in the field of vision. These are composed of fragments of the vitreous, which are mainly collagen fibers.
For periods of days or weeks, patients experience a flash of light lasting seconds or minutes.
If there is PVD but no retinal tear, no further treatment is needed. The floater gradually disappears naturally, but can be annoying for some time.
If the light flash worsens, immediate reassessment by an ophthalmologist is required. However, the sensation of the finally flashing light is mitigated.
There is a procedure to remove the vitreous (vitrectomy). This will remove any suspended matter. However, it is not suitable for treatment of floaters only and is only performed when repair surgery such as reattachment of the retina is required.
Letter to Dr. Scar
Email Dr Scurr at Good Health, Daily Mail, 2 Delhi Street, London W8 5TT, or [email protected] — Please include your contact details.
Dr. Scar cannot make any personal interactions. Replies should be taken in a general context. If you have any health concerns, consult your GP.
In my view… riding a bike boosts your body and brain
It makes great sense for governments to make an important part of their strategy to improve national suitability and reduce air pollution.
The challenge is how people can continue to ride their bicycles when the initial enthusiasm fades and the cold, humid month begins.
I think it’s not enough to warn people about obesity and type 2 diabetes. Even worse results occur when affected people take Covid-19. People are fed up with those messages.
However, the study published in Aging Cell in 2018 should provide an incentive for us all to exercise.
The study compared 125 adults between the ages of 55 and 79, but 75 did not exercise regularly. The cyclist’s immune system circumvented the decline seen in sedentary groups as they age.
The takeaway message here is that regular cycling, and indeed other exercises, not only help to achieve a healthy weight, but also to protect against age-related decline in immunity. about it.
This is to put a brake on immune aging or cellular aging. It is associated with dementia, among other conditions. Fortunately, it’s never too late to get started.
I think it’s not enough to warn people about obesity and type 2 diabetes. Even worse results occur when affected people take Covid-19. People are fed up with those messages [File photo]
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