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California issues theme park guidelines, but Disneyland won’t reopen anytime soon

California issues theme park guidelines, but Disneyland won’t reopen anytime soon



California State Government Announced Reopening guidelines for the theme park industry on Tuesday following a major lobbying campaign from Disney, theme park operators and local officials to allow major theme parks to reopen under restrictive guidelines ensuring that Disneyland and other major theme parks will not reopen for weeks or months until the Covid-19 pandemic improves.


California’s smallest theme parks will be able to operate when their county reaches the moderate level of the spread of Covid-19, which is classified as one in 3.9 new cases per day per 100,000 population.

Smaller theme parks will be limited to 25% of their capacity, will only be able to operate outdoors, and will only be able to sell tickets to county residents.

Larger theme parks classified as having a capacity of more than 15,000 people can only reopen at 25% capacity when their county reaches the minimum level of Covid-19 transmission and there is less than one daily case per 100,000 inhabitants.

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Orange County, where Disneyland is located, is currently in the substantial level of Covid-19 spread, while Los Angeles County, where Universal Studios Hollywood is located, is at the highest level of transmission. Covid-19 widespread.

California Health and Human Services Secretary Dr Mark Ghaly said in a press conference On Tuesday, the reason for the separation of the smaller and larger theme parks is that the smaller theme parks are mostly outdoors and are really local activities that don’t attract a lot of visitors from other areas.

the Orlando County Registry Noted the guidelines mean that Disneyland and other major theme parks could open in November or December at the earliest or potentially not before 2021, depending on how quickly counties can reduce transmission of Covid-19.

Chief critic

In a statement to Forbes, Ken Potrock, president of Disneyland Resort, criticized California guidelines as arbitrary guidelines [the state] know that are unachievable and that keep us at a very different standard from other reopened businesses and state-run facilities. These state guidelines will keep us shut down for the foreseeable future, forcing thousands more people out of work, leading to the inevitable shutdown of small family-owned businesses and irreparably devastating the Anaheim / Southern California community, Potrock said. The guidelines also drew criticism from local leaders, with Anaheim, Calif. Mayor Harry Sidhu saying restrictions fail working families and local businesses. The continued theme park closures have already sparked widespread condemnation from local authorities in Orange County and Anaheim, where Disneyland is located, and resulted in a loss of $ 1.3 billion in taxes and in local revenue for the region.

Key context

The reopening guidelines follow a long battle between Disney and the California government over the continued closure of theme parks, with Theme Parks President Josh DAmaro publicly imploring the government to let the theme park reopen before cite their continued inaction as the reason behind Disney’s theme parks division. layoff of 28,000 employees. Disney President Bob Iger has quit the California Economic Task Force due to lack of government guidance on theme parks, and CEO Bob Chapek blasted the tight state restrictions in a recent interview with CNBC. The release of the theme park guidelines comes after Gov. Gavin Newsom previously said he was in no rush to reopen theme parks and would be stubborn to keep them closed until the indicators health are achieved. The state has pledged to redouble its efforts to assess the level of risk of reopening theme parks as pressure mounts, however, sending teams to theme parks in both California and outside California to assess their public health measures. It is also the second attempt by states to release theme park guidelines, after the government was previously prepared to release guidelines in early October. The government in the end decided not to publish the guidelines, then after theme park operators opposed the measures, saying the state would seek a greater contribution from the industry.

Surprising fact

The controversy over California’s reluctance to reopen theme parks comes after Walt Disney Worlds reopened in Florida drew widespread criticism in July as cases of Covid-19 exploded in the state. According to New York TimesHowever, Disney Florida theme parks have so far not reported any major outbreaks resulting from their reopening.

Further reading

Newsom returns to Disney, says California in no rush to reopen theme parks (Forbes)

Disney lays off 28,000 U.S. theme park workers amid closures (Forbes)

Lawmakers demand Newsom to allow Disneyland to reopen (Forbes)

Disney executive pleads with California governor to reopen Disneyland (Forbes)

Hong Kong Disneyland reopens for second time as California theme park closure continues (Forbes)

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