Zero Coronavirus Patients in the UK Tells How Her Illness Puzzled Doctors
The first coronavirus patient known to have the disease in the UK talked about how she died as her sick Mysterious doctor.
Joan Rogers, 51, fell ill with what he thought was the flu in late January, before the first case was confirmed in the United Kingdom.
She was taken to the hospital two weeks later when authorities still claimed COVID-19 It was restricted to a small number of people who recently arrived from abroad.
However, the virus was already widespread, and a little over a month later, a large number of people were being treated in hospitals with the country in place. Blockade, Report the Daily Record.
Cleaner Joan is the earliest confirmed case of human-to-human transmission in the United Kingdom. Eight months later, she still suffers from a serious form of long Covid.
Joan of Colchester, Essex was ill in bed for two weeks when her worried partner Richard Shepard sought advice from the NHS 111 on February 15. An ambulance was sent to Joanna in Blue Light and sent to the hospital.
At that time, nine Covid-19 people were quarantined. They were mainly Chinese students and a small number of people who came into contact with infected people at ski resorts in France. The government wanted to avoid an outbreak in Britain.
Joanna told the sister paper Daily Mirror: “I thought I had the flu, so an ambulance came out and I felt a little fraudulent.
“One of the last things I remember was going to resuscitation, joking with the doctor and saying,’Am I not going to die?'” He said: “It’s not my shift.”
Within 24 hours, Joan was diagnosed with pneumonia and fell into a coma. It was the beginning of a severe illness she had not yet recovered.
Joan made a tracheostomy and inserted a tube into the trachea just below the vocal cords.
Doctors had no idea what was causing such a severe pneumonia attack and gave Joan the opportunity to put him on a ventilator to fight the disease.
However, the virus caused a huge, potentially fatal overreaction of the body’s immune system.
Since then, a few drugs have been shown to help weaken this immune response in Covid-19 patients, but doctors were working blindly at the time.
Lauren, a 20-year-old daughter, said: “Richard goes to see her every day. One day he went home and told me to sit down. He was told it was 50/50. He started crying and said,” I don’t think your mom is going to get it done. ” It was devastating. “
Joan hasn’t been abroad recently and doesn’t know how he caught the virus.
She was not tested during her 17-day stay in the intensive care unit. Doctors confirmed that she had Covid-19 only when she finally had an antibody test in June.
Professor Francois Balloux of the University College London said: It is now fairly reasonable to believe that this spread in January.
“At that time, no one could have predicted what kind of catastrophe this would be.
“I’m absolutely convinced that there are quite a few undiagnosed cases.
“It is estimated that there were 1400 introductions of Covid-19 in the United Kingdom.
So in the UK, unlike in other countries, there really isn’t something like zero patients in many places. This made it very difficult to control here. “
Joan struggles to bend over and walk long distances, relies on a zimmer frame to stand up, and suffers from anxiety, extreme fatigue, and persistent muscle aches.
Her sick leave ended in October and she was turned down to ensure independent living for the disabled unless Covid was recognized as disabled.
This forced her to return to work, but she could only manage two hours a day.
She states: “You can use the rails to go upstairs, but it’s difficult to walk and it’s very tiring. Even the slightest tears.”
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