Physicians: Key to Regular Examinations for Early Detection of Breast Cancer | Lifestyle
This year, Muncy resident Tiffany Delp is 40 years old. This is the age at which medical professionals say women should start taking mammograms each year. During a regular physical appointment, Delp’s Nurse Practitioner brought it out and Delp scheduled it.
Examination revealed that the breasts were dense and difficult to identify, so another mammogram and ultrasonography were scheduled, followed by a biopsy. Two weeks later, Delp received a call at work. No one wanted to hear the news.
She was diagnosed with stage 2 triple-negative breast cancer on September 10 with metastases to the lymph nodes. Currently in the midst of an aggressive treatment plan, she is receiving chemotherapy and will only know later if she needs radiation. She chose to undergo a double mastectomy with reconstruction. Thankfully, she states that her prognosis is good and acknowledges the mammogram for early detection.
“I know the importance of regular self-examinations,” said a nurse in the emergency room at the Evangelical Community Hospital in Delp. But she said, “My tumor is in an area of my breast that I couldn’t feel or see.”
Put your health first
Health care professionals encourage women to pay attention to their health.
“Women are doing a great job of taking care of everything else around them and have made themselves second many times,” said Dr. Nicole Sharp Cotrel, a breast surgery oncologist at Gaisinger. It was. “They take care of their family, work and friends, but they need to prioritize their health. They can’t take care of anyone unless they take care of themselves.”
Not only can an unhealthy woman not take care of her family, but Dr. Dennis Howard, Geisinger’s Gynecologist, said that taking care of her health first is also a good example for her children. Become. And it’s best done by regular recommendation tests, she said.
“It’s much easier to prevent problems and illnesses than to treat them,” Howard said. He added that screening tests need attention.
Regular testing is important
Morgan Curtis and Thyra M, physician assistants in the OB / GYN department of the Evangelical Community Hospital. According to the Humphreys Center for Breast Health, October Breast Cancer Awareness Month is a good time to talk about women’s overall health.
She said it’s always just as good to encourage women to ask themselves if they’re doing everything they need to do by undergoing regular tests.
“It really doesn’t take long to complete these screenings,” Curtis said. “In most cases, they are an annual screening that can be done really quickly, which can save people’s lives.”
According to Sharp Cottrell, one in eight women develops breast cancer at some point in their lives.
“The earlier we can detect breast cancer and abnormalities, the more treatment options we have available, and the more likely we are to detect and treat something early,” she said.
The best method for early detection is an annual mammogram, and it is recommended that women at average risk start at age 40.
According to Sharp Cottrell, state-of-the-art mammogram technology allows doctors to see small lesions, especially women with dense breasts, at an early stage. In addition, 3D technology “reduces the number of times you need to come back to get more images,” she said, enabling faster diagnostics.
In the midst of many women, especially pandemics, it is important to reduce the additional burden that allows them to prioritize their health, as they must be the primary caregivers of their families and large families.
Curtis adds that screening should never be avoided because women are uncertain about their affordability or want to avoid the fear and stress of waiting for results. Breast centers that she can often help find funding options. Mammograms are the best option to avoid the worst results.
She said she might need to book a follow-up to make sure there are no mistakes. In some cases, an anomaly is detected and you need to schedule another test.
“It’s okay to find these false positives,” she assured. “This will greatly improve the detection rate.”
Many of the visits supervised by Curtis are called “Wellwoman exams” and not only help to track appointments such as colonoscopy, post-caesarean section, mammograms, but also about risk factors based on: It’s also time to discuss. Heredity or age.
Risk determination
Susan Brunton, MD, MD, MD, Medical Director of the Brest Health Center, UPMC in the Sasquehana region, should prioritize determining risk factors for women and then discuss with care providers which screenings are best to spend. Said that. “Rationalize as much as possible”.
According to Brunton, the Breast Health Center is helping patients specifically overcome recent changes in screening research recommendations that she called “moving targets.”
Patients at average risk are encouraged to begin annual screening at the peak year of breast cancer, ages 40 or 60-70, but Brunton encourages continued acquisition of annual mammograms. He said he was doing it. If at the lower limit of risk factors, some recommendations are once every two years.
According to Sharp Cottrell, a family history of breast or ovarian cancer, or high-grade prostate or pancreatic cancer, can mean that someone is at high risk for breast cancer. In this case, even before the woman turns 40, more frequent tests need to be done to check for cancer growth. Other risks include breast congestion and a family history of genetic mutations.
Be careful
Understanding the risk factors and undergoing regular screening is the best way to detect breast cancer early, but women should be aware of their body and pay attention to changes that may be a sign of danger. Is also encouraged.
Instead of emphasizing regular breast self-examination, Howard said he would discuss “self-awareness” with the patient, although the problem may not be apparent until it progresses. For example, pay attention to increased breast pain and discomfort, changes in skin color, changes in nipple appearance, and nipple discharge.
“These are things you should adjust, and it should encourage you to go see your healthcare provider,” she said.
Individuals need to be aware of the signs of cancer and undergo regular recommended screening, but there are also ways to improve their overall health. It also helps reduce or reduce the chance of getting breast cancer.
Brunton said it’s always a good idea to pay attention to your diet and exercise regularly. She suggests trying two and a half hours of exercise a week. This can reduce the risk by 20%. Obesity and overweight can increase your risk as well as smoking and drinking alcohol.
Howard agrees that cancer is often rooted in genetic mutations, but there are also lifestyle options that can help prevent it. She also emphasizes a healthy diet rich in fruits and vegetables that contain antioxidants, maintains a healthy weight, exercises, and avoids carcinogens such as those found in smoking and tobacco use. ..
“My life was saved”
Delp said he was prone to tiredness, had muscle and joint pain, and lost his hair as he continued treatment. She appreciates that it is the only side effect, but she admits that “this diagnosis and treatment definitely upset my life.”
She had to shorten her work schedule to part-time time in order to be treated and deal with its side effects. A mother of a 12-year-old daughter and a 14-year-old son, she said she had to overlook children’s activities, including her son’s soccer games.
She is grateful to her husband, Arnie, for taking on her regular work at home.
“I’m usually my son on the go and never sit still,” she said. “So I’m still trying to get used to resting and asking for help.”
But she was given time to look back on the fact that her situation could have been much worse.
“I encourage all women to undergo physical and regular examinations,” she said. “Because it can save their lives. I am confident that they have saved my life.”
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