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Now is the time to stop smoking and vaping


Covid-19 is changing our lives, probably forever, and remarkable efforts are being made to save lives. Since the effects of smoking on the disease caused by Covid-19 are already clearly shown in the data, smoking and smoking cessation measures need to be part of these efforts.

Smoking causes destruction of the inner lining of the lungs and impairs respiratory function. Disruption of respiratory function is a major component of Covid-19’s attack mechanism that causes serious disease progression and death. Smokers are at much higher risk of serious illness or death from coronavirus than non-smokers or former smokers.

Research published by Wuhan To China Smokers with Covid-19 respiratory disease have a worse prognosis than nonsmokers. Higher prevalence of more serious diseases; higher prevalence of disease progression; higher need for intensive care unit (ICU) use; higher need for ventilation; and higher likelihood of death.

And the difference is not trivial.

In one study of 1,099 Covid-19 patients admitted to a hospital in Wuhan, 31.7% of patients who were smokers were severely affected, nearly twice as many as 14.5% of those who were not smokers. There was a risk ratio. Smokers’ deterioration worsened nearly four-fold (16.2% vs. 4.7%): these worsening conditions were admissions to the ICU. Use of mechanical ventilation; or death. There are other similar published scientific studies and, to a lesser extent, similar findings.

In the United States, the problem of vaping has been raised as a cause of the high prevalence of the disease in young adults, but complete data to confirm this is not yet available. It’s not surprising because we know that smoking and vaping are associated with inflammatory processes in the lining of the lungs. This is exactly where Covid-19 causes the most serious confusion and damage.

Smokefree Ireland’s 16th anniversary was March 29. An important life-changing time for smokers who are landmarks of international tobacco control and those exposed to secondhand smoke. Ireland was the first country in the world to ban smoking in workplaces, pubs, clubs, restaurants and bingo halls.

It was comprehensive and did not take into account weather, facility size, or expensive artificial ventilation.

We’ve seen this work because the pub has stopped smoking, the bar workers’ health has improved, and fewer people have died from cardiovascular, respiratory and stroke strokes.

Smoking has been denormalized and smoking rates have declined. Autumn is most noticeable in our youth. Smoking fell from 33% in 2003 to 14% in 2019 for 16-year-old students. Adult smoking rates are the lowest ever, about 17%.

The success of Ireland’s smokeless law as a policy initiative was no accident. It was a success with timing, dedication, planning, implementation, and strong leadership and a strong, confident and trusted political champion.

After analyzing what happened, a well-coordinated, broad-based advocacy coalition, with a clear focus on unified voice and health, raised public awareness of the issue and countered opposition claims. And for the cause found to be the most important in securing political support.

At Covid-19, we have a clear, reliable, consistent and unified voice from us Ministry of Public Health, HSE, and impressive and capable politicians working in harmony.

Unlike Smokefree Ireland, there is not much opposition to what is going on. We have a workable and workable approach to protecting everyone equally from the effects of the virus.

Still, there is one major difference. Timing is the need to respond very quickly. Although planning for this type of emergency is part of a health plan, the pandemic evolved rapidly and the structure of the task was not immediately apparent.

China acquired us after a while and quickly identified and shared the viral gene structure, but still had a lot to do. As in 2004, in 2020, ensure “ street-level bureaucracy, ” or ground-level support for interventions known to work when implemented in collaboration with industry representatives and workers need to do it. You must adhere carefully. Compliance must be monitored consistently and continuously, and legislation is supported on reckless minorities with significant penalties as needed.

Smokers also need to know that they can help others by reducing the demand for scarce resources.

What can smoking cessation help? The message is clear. Smoking is an avoidable risk factor for poor prognosis of Covid-19 infection, including death. Smoking cessation is a helpful intervention. Access to personal protective equipment (PPE), ICU capacity, and mechanical ventilation is the ultimate scarce resource and can make a difference when a very small percentage of very severe cases arrive at the hospital There is an intervention. Few have found any changes that can reduce ICU bed demand, other than quitting smoking.

It is an ideal time to make a national effort to stop smoking and treat nicotine addiction. As with everyone else, many smokers are off work, want to quit smoking if they are informed, and are eager to do so. They are also more likely to do it, not only in the long run, but now knowing that it will help save their lives. They also know and should be reminded to help others by reducing the demand for scarce resources.

We strongly encourage cessation of smoking cessation and vaping, provide all smokers and vapers with a free national treatment plan, and need to do so now. Now is the best time Irish government Take your late-cigarette policy seriously and implement it. Professor Luke Clancy, a consultant pulmonologist, is the Executive Director of the TobaccoFree Research Institute Ireland.

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