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These doctors have some suggestions about ordering congenital foods during a pandemic Instant news


Marlboro, Jersey Barrow – April 08: Owner of Marlboro Diner Kara Petro wearing a mask Easter … [+] Eating to collect on April 8, 2020 in Marlboro, New Jersey. New Jersey is preventing restaurants from providing fast food and delivery services in response to the ongoing COVID-19 epidemic. (Photo by Michael Lucisano / Getty Images)

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There is no final answer to the pandemic. There are only questions.

This is a terrible point of view, but until all this is over, we will not know anything.

So, one of the questions I asked recently is whether there is a serious risk of eating during the Corona virus epidemic.

I have heard some tips and tricks. Someone recently suggested that my order sit in a car for three days. It seems somewhat impractical.

Without medical advice that has not been proven here, I will say that we know coronavirus can spread when we deal with viruses on surfaces such as grocery carts, shopping bags, car seats and metal surfaces such as airport chairs.

And I’ve heard it can spread even when you order ready food.

What has not been clear to me yet is that eating as harmless as the virus is spreading is like other scenarios, but it is definitely worth looking at seriously. Now I have a better understanding of this problem.

The short answer is: This is not a nutritional problem. Here is the container.

Jeffrey Mount Farner is a doctor in the emergency room educated at Harvard University and a former doctor at Johns Hopkins Hospital. He seems to reduce the possibility of transmission while also saying that we should take precautions.

“In general, the general feeling is that you cannot get the virus from the food required by arranging external requests,” Dr. Farner said. “However, it is very important that you wipe the outside container and bag before touching it. This means that you must wear gloves and use disinfectant tissue when handling your exit request. Think about it, your food in someone’s car may or may not do food safety. Do whatever you can to prevent contamination of yourself and your roof.

Farner explained that the most infectious activity we do today is grocery shopping. He explained that it is fertile ground for viruses. People tend to touch other foods. We are within walking distance (even when we try to avoid it).

Fortunately, he also indicated that the hot food you ordered at home was the least contagious. The coronavirus does not last long in anything hot like pizza or chicken.

I also reviewed with other experts, Will Bulsiewicz. He is a specialist in epidemiology and the author of books that have studied the spread of infection.

“We believe that the majority of infections are caused by air, either by coughing or even just breathing,” he said.

This sounds good, but then it also mentions that orders for external orders can be contagious, although it does not appear to be the main culprit.

“It is possible to obtain a virus from an external request or whenever you share a space with another person, even if the shared space is really a food bag being delivered. The reason is that the virus is transmitted from person to person, and there is one way to transmit on the surface. If you touch this surface, then You touched your face, you risk vaccinating yourself. “

He added that it depends heavily on where you ordered your food.

“The risks depend entirely on the level of control over the goods. If the restaurant staff is closely monitored for symptoms of COVID-19, body temperature is taken before work, and appropriate protection such as gloves and liberal hands washing, then the risks are reduced as much as possible.”

What I can take from this maybe, there are steps to take – but don’t worry too much about it so don’t even order food delivered to your door or to your car. I would also say as a non-medical person: take precautions. Invaded everyone. Be smart and think about how things can spread naturally. But do not live in fear.


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