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Innate immune system: Sex hormones, chromosomes, may play a role in better Covid results in women than in men, studies say

Innate immune system: Sex hormones, chromosomes, may play a role in better Covid results in women than in men, studies say


Toronto: Fewer women’s faces Serious complications Low risk of dying from COVID-19 (new coronavirus infection) (# If there is no character limit, add parentheses when it first appears According to one study, due to the presence of hormones and chromosomes that contribute to a stronger immune response in female patients than in males.

Studies published in the American Journal of Physiology-Heart and Circulation MenstruationEmphasizes how the gender difference of COVID-19 is related to the enzyme that functions as ACE2. Receptor Allows the SARS-CoV-2 virus to enter the body.

Researchers say ACE2 is also important for protection from cardiovascular, lung and kidney disease.

“Because of the chromosomes, women have two copies of the ACE2 gene and men have only one copy,” said Gavin Audit, a senior research author and professor at the University of Alberta, Canada.

“This doesn’t seem to make women more susceptible to COVID-19 infections, but it protects them from virus-related complications,” Audit said.

Audit explained that ACE2 is a gene linked to the X chromosome.

To avoid duplication, one X chromosome tends to be inactivated, but due to its location ACE2 escapes inactivation.

This means that women have twice as many active genetic instructions to make ACE2, he said. Another gene that is twice as strong in women as this X-inactivation escape is called Toll-like receptor 7. Innate immune system..

“The strong presence of Toll-like receptors 7 in women explains why women’s immune system is stronger than men and can tolerate viral infections, including the common cold,” said Audit. The phenomenon of cold is a reality, “he added.

The study found that men face more serious illnesses and worse consequences worldwide, even though women are more likely to be exposed to SARS-CoV-2 than men.

“Women face more risks because of gender issues, so I’m relieved to know that women’s results aren’t bad. In fact, women are clearly better than men.” Oudit said.

Researchers have learned how ACE2-level manipulation can help patients with COVID-19, how to prevent infection by blocking enzymes, or how to protect the cardiovascular system, lungs, and kidneys by strengthening enzymes. He said he was trying to understand.

“When testing new treatments and providing COVID-19 care, we need to take gender differences into account and consider the factors that will give better results for everyone,” said Audit. ..

Words of Wisdom from the CEO: Covid-19 Tips for Business Survival During a Pandemic

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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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