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Scientists reveal when, where, and how the mutant Covid strain thinks it started in the UK

Scientists reveal when, where, and how the mutant Covid strain thinks it started in the UK


Experts were able to track the origin of a new mutant coronavirus strain that occurred in southeastern England.

According to scientists, the first sample was found in September in a person who lived near Canterbury, Kent.

Since then, new variants have hit the UK-Prompt Boris Johnson Cancel the Christmas rule relaxation plan and force England into a third national blockade.

Mirror report Countries closed their borders with Britain after the discovery of a new strain raised fears that it might spread further abroad.

The strain has since spread abroad and is believed to be much more virulent than the original variant.

Its 14 different mutations are thought to make it up to 70% infectious and more contagious by children.

Originally detected in the southeast and London, infection rates began to rise rapidly and then spread elsewhere in the United Kingdom.

Experts and vaccine developers claim that new strains are unlikely to be resistant COVID-19 Jab.

The UK is in the fight against the time to vaccinate the most vulnerable 14 million people in the population by February 15.

The prime minister put the country on the foothold of the war on Thursday as the British Army promised to help speed up the vaccine program and administer “hundreds of thousands” of doses a day.

NHS Chief Sir Simon Stevens said the speed of the Downing Street press conference was essential as patient hospitalization increased at a rate of full daily.

Sir Simon Stevens, NHS Boss
(Image: Victoria Jones WPA Pool / Getty Images)

And earlier that week, Sir Patrick Valence, the government’s chief scientific adviser, warned that a rapid march of vaccines was essential.

Sir Patrick explained that the longer the virus circulates, the more chances it has to mutate.

Since then, the World Health Organization has confirmed the origin of mutant strains currently described abroad as “British strains”. It was revealed that the first sample of the new mutant was found in Kent on September 20th.

Data from the Covid-19 Genomics UK Consortium show that major samples were found “near Canterbury.”

Kent Live We have confirmed that this location is related to information provided by public health agencies about where the patient lived, not the location of the hospital or laboratory.

Experts also believe that new strains may have been created by long-term mutations in the “immunosuppressed” human body.

This usually means that your own condition or illness, such as AIDS or cancer, reduces your ability to fight infections and other illnesses.

Dr. Jeffrey Barrett, Director of the SARS-CoV-2 Genomics Initiative at the Welcome Sanger Institute, said:

“We do not know the exact number of cases in each of the initial locations.”

He added: “There were many reports of individual patients with prolonged illness, and mutation patterns similar to B.1.1.7 (mutant) occurred.

“Therefore, there is a hypothesis that such an event may be the cause. Some, but not all, of these patients are immunosuppressed.

“B.1.1.7 seems to be the first example of a new variant that was born in this way and continued to be widely distributed.”

Experts believe that the first major outbreak was Kent, followed by Medway.

It is believed that it then spread to London Borough of Bexley, Greenwich, and Havering before it hit London and the rest of Essex.

The rate of increase in cases caused by the new Covid-19 variant is the main reason advertised due to the tighter restrictions introduced in recent weeks.

British public health services said the government was aware of the scale of the problem only when incidents continued to increase in Kent and Medway in November, despite the blockade of the state at the time.

Epidemiologist Susan Hopkins said on December 21st: All other parts of the country have begun to decline. “

Ms. Hopkins explained the first review to find out if this increase in Kent was associated with a particular group of population or workplace outbreaks.

When this turned out not to be the case, the UK Public Health Service reviewed genomic epidemiology for changes.

Ms. Hopkins said: “On December 8th, we found that there were some mutations in the peaplomer that appeared very rapidly and had certain mutations that spread not only in the southeast but also in parts of London.

“So, over the next 48 hours, they swiftly investigated the phylogenetic tree and the clinical details of the patient in which the case occurred.

“They wrote their first treatise on December 10, which was submitted to NERVTAG, after which the treatise began further discussions on further epidemiological modeling and clinical research.”

More data was provided to the government on December 18, and the following day the Prime Minister announced that much of southeastern England would be in Tier 4 and ended the relaxation of Christmas rule.

Random test samples of people in the Southeast recently found that new variants account for 71% of new cases.


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