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Studies link sleep deprivation, stress to concussion-like symptoms

Studies link sleep deprivation, stress to concussion-like symptoms


Has been updated:
January 25, 2021 08:45 IS

Washington [US], January 25 (ANI): We are all Less sleep And stress New research that can be harmful to human health Lack of sleep, Existing mental health Problems, and stress Can also cause symptoms similar to Concussion..
This study was published in the journal “Sports Medicine”. This finding supports researchers’ claim that athletes recovering from brain injury should be evaluated and treated on highly personalized criteria.
This study was conducted by the Concussion Evaluation and Research Education (CARE) Consortium established by the NCAA and the US Department of Defense.
In this study, 11% to 27% of healthy college athletes with no recent medical history Concussion Reported combinations of symptoms that meet post criteria-Concussion Syndrome (PCS) defined by the International Classification System.
Of the approximately 31,000 student athletes surveyed, three factors were most likely to predict PCS-like symptoms. Lack of sleep, Existing mental health Problems, and stress..
Participants were cadets from four US military schools who were rigorously trained and needed to attend athletics and students who participated in NCAA sports at 26 US higher education institutions.
Beyond the significant number of students who reported clusters of PCS-like symptoms, one-half to three-quarters of all athletes surveyed were generally experienced by those who experienced the following symptoms: Reported one or more symptoms. ConcussionThe most common are fatigue or low energy and drowsiness.
Jaclyn Cacceses, an assistant professor of health and rehabilitation science at Ohio State University and the lead author of the study, said:
“These are physically healthy elite athletes, and they generally experience many of the symptoms reported after: Concussion.. So if you look at the general public, there are probably more. “

Posts for student athletes because it is important for researchers to understand that these symptoms have multiple causesConcussion Pay attention to the symptoms caused by the injury.In addition, knowing the athlete’s medical history and baseline symptom status may help clinicians predict which existing factors contribute to delaying recovery from. Concussion..
“When a patient comes to the clinic and is more than a month away from the latest patient Concussion, We need to know what symptoms they were experiencing before them Concussion To find out if their symptoms are due to them Concussion Or something else.Then you can start treatment ConcussionWe hope that the associated symptoms will help people recover faster, “Caccese said.
This initiative is designed to bridge the knowledge gap about Concussion Impact and recovery among student athletes at colleges, universities, and military service academies by collecting and analyzing data on men and women competing in a variety of sports and undergoing military training.
Participants in this study included 12,039 military school cadets and 18,548 NCAA student athletes who completed a symptom assessment of the Sports Concussion Assessment Tool as part of the consortium’s baseline test. The consortium also collected demographic data and personal and family medical histories from participants.
Statistical analysis showed which factors in the athlete’s medical history were most closely associated with reporting symptoms according to PCS criteria. Among cadets, 17.8 percent of men and 27.6 percent of women reported clusters of symptoms that met the PCS criteria. Among NCAA athletes, 11.4% of men and 20% of women reported complex symptoms that mimicked PCS criteria.
Caccese said different timings of data collection at the military school compared to the NCAA preseason test are likely to contribute to the symptoms reported by a higher percentage of cadets. ..
Sleep disorders in both groups-especially Lack of sleep The eve of the trial-and existing psychiatric disorders were the most predictable condition, and a history of migraine also contributed to symptoms that met PCS criteria. For cadets, academic problems and first grade increased the likelihood of symptoms meeting the PCS criteria, and for NCAA athletes, a history of ADHD or depression contributed to meeting the PCS criteria.
In the 10th revision of the International Classification of Diseases, the postConcussion Next persistent symptom syndrome ConcussionHowever, it can be difficult to determine the cause of these symptoms. Symptoms range from persistent headache, dizziness, malaise to anxiety, insomnia, loss of concentration and memory.
A complex factor with many reported symptoms is Concussion The decision to return to play is based on the reported symptoms.And although some symptoms may be more closely related Concussion It may be more associated with a variety of causes than others, such as dizziness, head pressure, and hypersensitivity to light and noise, such as fatigue, drowsiness, and even headaches.
The CARE Consortium also aims to identify factors that can help predict the outcome of suffering student athletes and cadets. ConcussionWhen. (Not even)


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