Six Common Misconceptions About Colorectal Cancer
Despite being the type of cancer that can be largely prevented by lifestyle changes and early diagnosis, colon cancer is the third largest murderer in Turkey for men and women. After breast cancer And lung cancer. However, many people skip annual tests because the pandemic has blocked many people and hospitals have become hotspots for the coronavirus. Doctors are now afraid that the incidence of colon cancer will increase significantly.
During Colon Cancer Awareness Month, gastroenterologist Dr. Nurdan Tözün said that in addition to the potential diagnosis, some common misconceptions about the disease could have fatal consequences. Early treatment may save you.
Tözün said that 375,000 people in Europe are diagnosed with colon cancer each year, 170,000 of whom die from the disease. Although treated for colorectal cancer, most of the people in the screening line were unable to go to the hospital because of fear of COVID-19. As our experience and research show, this continues to increase the likelihood of finding cases of advanced colon cancer. “
Study conducted at the University of Bologna In Italy, delaying colon cancer screening by 4-6 months was found to increase advanced colon cancer by 3%, and delaying more than 12 months increased this rate to 7%. Given the endlessness of the coronavirus pandemic, Tözün emphasized that annual screening should not be interrupted or postponed.
Cancer and polyps
Colon cancer occurs in 98% of cases with polyps, and polyps larger than 15 mm in diameter are 1.5 times more likely to develop cancer.Removal of polyps by colonoscopy can prevent cancer, Tözün said, colon cancer screening programs based on various protocols are being implemented in almost all European countries today, between 2000 and 2016. A study conducted in 16 European countries said it found a prevalence of colorectal cancer, which was significantly reduced in that country. Start screening at an early age..
Today’s technology can better detect early-stage colon cancers and polyps using artificial intelligence-based imaging systems. Colonoscopy is the gold standard for detecting polyps, but the success of the procedure largely depends on the experience of the person performing the colonoscopy and compliance with quality standards.
Tözün said there are six dangerous misconceptions about colon cancer and colonoscopy that prevent early diagnosis, which is why patients see a doctor when the disease is in a very advanced stage. Said that there are many.
Misconception # 1: Rectal blood indicates hemorrhoids, which is not a big deal.
Most patients, for fear of getting a more serious illness, make excuses and postpone going to the doctor, thinking it’s just hemorrhoids. In Turkey, many people instead seek advice from friends and family and take alternative medicine that can hide their actual symptoms.On the other hand, doctors can also mistakenly attribute bleeding, especially to hemorrhoids or anal fissures. In young patients I am suffering from chronic constipation.
Bleeding from the anus can be a precursor to cancer or large polyps and requires close examination, says Tözün.
Misconception # 2: This disease is purely hereditary and my family has no cancer.
Only 15% of cancers can be blamed on genetics. If a first-degree relative (FDR) has colon cancer or has familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP), there is an increased risk of developing cancer. However, colon cancer can also occur in people who have no family history of cancer. Recent studies have also recommended genetic screening of tumor tissue in nonfamilial colon cancers.
Misconception # 3: All cases of long-term constipation lead to cancer.
As one of the most common gastrointestinal complaints, constipation does not mean that you have colon cancer. There is no evidence that chronic constipation or irritable bowel syndrome causes colon cancer. However, colon cancer or a large intestine that narrows the intestinal cavity can cause constipation, intestinal obstruction, and rectal bleeding. It’s always best to see a gastroenterologist if there are any unexpected changes in your bowel habits, says Tüzün.
Misconception # 4: Colon endoscopy is a complex and painful procedure that can be fatal.
Colon endoscopy is a very low-risk procedure by a specialist. Perforation or bleeding of the intestine during colonoscopy is seen in less than 1 in 1,000 cases. Prior to colonoscopy, you should undergo a thorough medical evaluation and ask questions about your chronic illness and the medications you are taking. You need to tell your doctor if you are taking antibiotics, anticoagulants, antidiabetic drugs, etc.
The only unpleasant part of colonoscopy is the pre-procedure preparation when you are asked to take a laxative to clean the intestinal tract. In Turkey, the most common method is to mix a laxative pouch with a few liters of water. This gives a sweet taste similar to juice and is consumed over a day or two. You may also be asked to simplify your diet or consume only liquids 3-4 days before the procedure.
Colonoscopy does not cause pain because the surgery is performed under deep sedation and general anesthesia is required only in certain cases.
Misconception # 5: There are no complaints, so you don’t need to have a colonoscopy.
The risk of developing colon cancer in a lifetime is 6%, which is a statistic that cannot be underestimated. Simply put, 1 in 18 people can develop colon cancer.
Studies show that polyps and colon cancer occur in obese and smokers, those who drink alcohol regularly, those who eat processed foods, those who have a history of colon cancer in their families, and those who do not exercise regularly. It is often seen. However, the risk of death from colon cancer is reduced by 45% on colonoscopy.
Misconception # 6: There are drugs that can prevent colon cancer.
Much research has been done on this subject, but there are no clear results.Although some studies have mentioned the anti-cancer effects of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) Aspirin etc., Calcium, Magnesium, Folic Acid, Vitamin B6 and B12, Vitamin D, Statins and Aspirin, this effect has not been confirmed in large studies.
According to Tözün, it’s best to eat a healthy, fiber-rich diet, exercise regularly, avoid smoking and drinking, and avoid being overweight until you get more reliable results. ..
Who should be prioritized in screening?
- Screening of people in the average risk group begins at age 50 in Turkey. The first step in screening is a clinical test, which tests for occult blood in the stool every two years. If the test results return positive, colonoscopy is recommended. According to the findings, you may be required to repeat a colonoscopy within 1, 3, 5, or 10 years. It is common to stop screening at the age of 70-75, but in some cases this limit can be extended.
- Just like breast cancer, Recommended in recent years Lower screening age Due to the increasing incidence of colon cancer in young people, it can even be 45 or 40.
- If any of your close relatives has a history of colon cancer or suffers from familial adenomatous polyposis, your screening should start much earlier.
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