Five myths about the coronavirus vaccine
Myth 1
Some vaccines are better than others and are worth the wait.
Detroit Mayor Mike Duggan Refused the first shipment Of the 6,200 doses of Johnson & Johnson vaccine this month, city residents said they needed to get the “best” shots. He pointed out that this is an mRNA vaccine.Many people Looks worried About which shots to get since the recently approved Johnson & Johnson Vaccine Reported Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna protect against symptomatological covid-19 by 95%, while overall efficacy is low, 66% for moderate to severe disease and 85% for severe disease. Protect
But they all work on the same principle. Virus protection relies on inducing strong immunity to the coronavirus peplomer, a component of the virus that binds to our body’s cells.All vaccines deliver this speplomer, urging the immune system to make certain types of antibodies that block the virus. Attachment or invasion.. And all three vaccines approved so far produce a high level of protection to keep you away from the hospital. They can also all inhibit asymptomatic infections.
Unlike mRNA shots, the Johnson & Johnson vaccine, which requires a single dose, has other benefits as well. We already know that it is partially protected against B.1.351 variant It occurred in South Africa, but we certainly don’t know about the two mRNA vaccines that were tested before the mutant appeared. Also, it is not yet known which vaccine induces longer-term protection. And all vaccines may require additional booster immunity in the fall or next year.
Myth 2
Young people do not need it, especially if they are healthy.
Vaccine skeptics argue that generally healthy people, not the elderly, do not need to be vaccinated.Former Major League Baseball player Aubrey Huff said on Twitter: He will not receive itBecause his “44-year-old jack body and strong immune system are working well.” In Israel Officials said Young people are far more likely to be vaccinated than older people because of the perception that “we are reaching out to young people and some do not understand the importance of vaccines.” It was late.
Young people are less likely to die of covid-19 than older people, but the disease can still be dangerous to them. A Study published in February Almost 30% of covid-19 adults between the ages of 18 and 39 suffer from “long-distance” symptoms such as fatigue, brain fog, and loss of taste and smell. Many of these young adults had only mild illness when first infected. And the claim that only people over the age of 65 are likely to die of covid-19 is false: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Between the non-white and Hispanic populations, about one-third of deaths occur in people under the age of 65.You can help maintain a healthy lifestyle and stay healthy Strengthen your immune system, This alone does not provide antibodies to keep you away from the hospital. To do this, you need a coronavirus vaccine.
Myth 3
The vaccine was so urgent that I don’t know if it’s safe.
“I’m really starting to question,” said Sean Hanity, the host of Fox News. Said in January.. “I’ve said I’m going to vaccinate my friends. Half of them agree and the other half think I’m absolutely nuts. They can’t take it in a million years There wasn’t. ”Fellow Fox’s personality Tucker Carlson issued a warning about Vaccine “flashy entrance” and “too smooth” marketing activities.On social media, there are viral videos and posts Alleged The vaccine was developed too early or was delivered to the state before the Food and Drug Administration approved the vaccine. This means that regulators didn’t really have time to confirm that the vaccine was safe and effective. Partly because of the company’s news release and statement released by the White House in 2020, many Americans have the impression that these vaccines have magically emerged out of nowhere.
But scientists have been working on vaccines to protect against various coronaviruses. At least 10 yearsIn the meantime, they identified the peplomer as a soft target for the virus and figured out how to deliver it. (The 10-year R & D program is similar to other vaccine timeframes.) Without that important work, pharmaceutical companies would not have been able to get going. Also, the clinical trials used to test the safety of the new vaccine were about the same size as those used to test other vaccines and were extensively and carefully controlled.
Myth 4
Vaccines contain unsafe or unethical ingredients.
Facebook posts The vaccine contains a microchip Track people Became viral..Archdiocese of Catholicism in New Orleans Advised believers Johnson & Johnson has been developed and manufactured using “a morally endangered cell line created from two miscarriages” to prevent it from being shot, if avoided. .. Catholics should take it If no other effective coronavirus vaccine is available.
In fact, none of the vaccines use material from aborted foets. The Johnson & Johnson and Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccines are prepared on cells that have been grown in vitro for decades. These cell lines were derived from two fetal abortions in the 1970s and 1980s, but no fetal debris was used to study, develop, or manufacture Shot. Viruses used in other vaccines, such as the varicella vaccine, were developed using similar types of cell lines.
This is clearly not possible when it comes to injecting microchips, as they don’t fit in the needle. Resistance to vaccination is often conspiracy in nature. Some microchips are used in vaccine distribution systems to track dosages and ensure that they are not expired or counterfeited. But they are on the outside of the syringe or package and are not injected by anyone.
Myth 5
The mRNA vaccine changes your DNA.
Anti-vaccine groups and social media posts claim that mRNA vaccines can cause infertility Or Autoimmune disease By modifying the recipient’s genes or modifying the DNA, the injected vaccine somehow becomes part of our genetic material.Some posts Make this claim The vaccine was removed by Facebook from last year before it was allowed for emergency use.
The· Claim about infertility And Autoimmune problems It has been more or less copied and pasted from previous false claims about the HPV vaccine.There is Not scientific Their foundation.. And the mRNA delivered via the lipid nanoparticles of the vaccine does not enter our genome. Making a compound of amino acids on a molecule called a ribosome in the cytoplasmic compartment outside the cell’s nucleus (where DNA resides) serves as a cell template. The immune system then responds to new peptides that resemble the coronavirus peplomer. Therefore, it is incorrect to say that the mRNA vaccine is equivalent to “gene therapy”. Some vaccine critics..
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