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Do you think that if you get the COVID-19 vaccine completely, your life will return to normal?Not so fast, Heath officials say

Do you think that if you get the COVID-19 vaccine completely, your life will return to normal?Not so fast, Heath officials say


Ottawa-COVID-19 vaccine It may be the light at the end of the tunnel, but Canadian public health officials dimmed the light on Thursday with a dark message.

Even after two vaccinations, Canadians are not well known about the effects of the vaccine on variants and asymptomatic, so the public at the individual and population level, including masking, physical distance, and avoidance of meetings. You cannot expect to ease hygiene measures. Infection and infection.

Unlike the United States, which publishes clear and evolving guidelines that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is allowed for fully vaccinated people, what freedom does the Public Health Agency of Canada have first? I think it’s too early to say.

Dr. Howard New, Deputy Public Health Officer in Canada, said a variety of factors were involved. Some people lose their immunity because no vaccine is 100% effective. The duration of immunity after vaccination is unknown. It is unknown whether the new mutant is resistant to the vaccine. It is unclear whether the vaccine will completely stop the virus from being transmitted.

“Even if you take one or two doses, it may not be personally protected and you can do it at the population level, so it’s not free for everyone in terms of what you want to do. You can either send it or infect yourself, “Njoo said.

Dr. Dina Himshaw, Alberta’s Chief Health Officer, states that there are currently B.1.1.7 mutants that first appeared in the UK and appear to “potentially cause more serious illness.” At that time, the cool warning was highlighted late Thursday. It is the predominant strain in Alberta, accounting for 90% of new cases.

“If the test is positive, you have to assume that you have a variant,” she said. Two other variants that emerged in South Africa and Brazil are also distributed elsewhere in Alberta and Canada.

“One of our biggest questions is how well new vaccines can protect against these new variants,” says Himshaw. “That’s why the state is also taking steps against those who are vaccinated.”

“This is a fierce competition between vaccines and variants,” Njoo said, saying that vaccines are only one layer of protection.

He also distinguished the American and Canadian approaches to vaccination.

“I think there are more community or collective approaches to vaccination in Canada,” said Njoo. “It’s about protecting yourself, your family and friends, as well as strangers. It also helps reduce or reduce transmission in your local or community, so in your local community.

“I don’t think it’s easy in terms of giving guidance to people because all these factors are involved —” yes, you can do this “or” you do it “Cannot be” — a vaccine based on receiving one or two doses, “he said.

According to CDC guidance, a person is considered fully vaccinated two weeks after the last dose and has preventative measures such as “wear a mask, stay 6 feet away from others, and avoid crowds and poorly ventilated areas.” It is said that measures are needed “until the details are known”. .. “

But it also gives details list Fully vaccinated people can resume domestic travel, saying, “You don’t have to be tested before you leave the United States (unless your destination requires it), and you don’t have to self-quarantine after returning to the United States.” I will.

Also, without wearing a mask or keeping a physical distance, without visiting other fully vaccinated people indoors, wearing a mask, or keeping a physical distance. In addition, you can visit unvaccinated people who are at low risk of severe COVID-19 disease indoors, or refrain from quarantine or testing. Known exposure if asymptomatic.

The CDC is used when visiting unvaccinated people at high risk of serious illness, or when visiting unvaccinated people from multiple households, and when avoiding medium- and large-scale direct gatherings. It is recommended to take precautionary measures such as wearing a mask. It is stated that fully vaccinated people should be tested and follow the guidance issued by their employer if they experience symptoms of COVID-19.

But in Canada, the widespread distribution of vaccines, Njoo said, was highly dependent on “regional conditions and epidemiology.”

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“Based on epidemiology, two doses in Charlottetown, PEI may be able to do more in the environment and circumstances than two doses in downtown Toronto. Maybe, “he said.

Federal officials called on Thursday to reassure Canadians that the influx of vaccines, which is expected to begin last week, will continue until June, when Canada currently plans to inoculate 44 million doses.

So far, Ottawa has given 10.5 million doses to states and territories, and more than 6.6 million doses of COVID-19 vaccine, Njoo said.

Njoo said that 81% of people over the age of 80 received the first dose and 10% received the second dose. Of the 70-79 people, 53% received the first dose and 2% received the second dose.

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