Boone County Leads State Initial Inoculation Rate
It finally happened.
After months of booking the COVID-19 vaccine for health care workers and groups over the age of 65, the state targeted all adults in Missouri for Friday injections.
Ending the pandemic and making it look normal was a long-awaited step forward in the fight, but it also raises some questions.
Is it enough for millions of new adults to qualify? And how long does it take to reach an immunity rate that allows us to return to something similar to normal?
The summary is as follows:
Is there enough vaccine supply to do this?
The person in charge certainly thinks so.
President Joe Biden is so confident in the increase in the country’s supply that he changed the state deadline to make the vaccine available to everyone from May 1st to April 19th last week. Did.
Missouri Governor Mike Parson said the same thing Thursday when reporters asked if he was concerned about more people in line.
“I really don’t,” he said. “The federal level is moving forward and vaccines will continue.”
Federal data on the amount of vaccine distributed weekly also provides optimistic reasons.
The average weekly dose to Missouri in January was about 150,000. It approached 200,000 in February and 300,000 in March.
There are some caveats.
Most of the incoming vaccines are of Pfizer and Moderna varieties and require two doses. This means that a significant portion of the doses shipped in the coming weeks will be directed to those who took the first shot before everyone was eligible.
As the company suffers from problems at its Baltimore plant, it is expected that single-dose delivery of Johnson & Johnson, which authorities have been hoping to speed things up, will also decline.
That said, White House COVID-19 coordinator Jeff Seients told The Wall Street Journal that Johnson & Johnson could receive 8 million doses a week by the end of the month. By the middle of the year, he had 100 million shots.
Even if these estimates are off, there may be enough vaccines for less promising reasons. Not all Missourians want life-saving shots.
A survey of 424 residents released last month as part of a national survey suggests that a quarter of Mizurians refuse the vaccine.
In another January survey by the Missouri Hospital Association, 38% of the 800 Missouri citizens surveyed said they were “not very likely” or “not at all” likely to fire.
How long does it take for a sufficient number of people to get vaccinated?
That’s a million dollar question.
At this point, a lot of speculation is needed to give an accurate date that will prevent a sufficient number of people from being immune to the virus and spreading the virus widely.
First, you need to choose from a set of estimates for herd immunity thresholds.
Some scientists suggest that 60-70% of those who make antibodies may be needed. Others predict 70-80%. Dr. Anthony Fauci, the federal government’s premier infectious disease doctor, carefully provided 70-90% of the windows.
Next is the take-up rate. States and countries will receive herd immunity sooner if everyone is vaccinated when they are eligible. Things get slower when a significant portion of the population makes good use of the survey responses and skips them.
Central Missouri is at a leading pace in the race for herd immunity.
Boone County First in a state where 38.2% of county residents are first vaccinated with COVID-19.. According to the state’s vaccination dashboard, there are approximately 69,000 initial vaccinations in the county.
However, Boone County falls third in the state due to full vaccination. Almost 25% of the county’s population is vaccinated with both vaccines.
MU Health Care has received more than 29,000 initial vaccinations and 22,270 double vaccinations at the Faurot Filed vaccination site until Sunday, spokesman Eric Maze said.
MU Health’s vaccination efforts will continue this week. According to Maze, there will be nearly 7,000 doses in Forlot Field from Thursday to Saturday. The Immunization Clinic will be a collaboration with the Colombia / Boone County Public Health and Welfare Department.
In addition, Boon Health will administer nearly 600 vaccination doses at a vaccination clinic in Columbia Mall on Thursday and Friday. According to spokesman Ben Cornelius, vaccination is available to anyone living in Missouri over the age of 16. Individuals can sign up at
When will the limit end?
It’s a little easier to answer.
Boone County still has a mandatory masking obligation that came into force last November, but many pandemic-related restrictions have been lifted.
Colombia has relaxed most of the COVID-19 restrictions over the past two months. Obligations regarding closing times for bars, restaurants and entertainment venues that ended March 4th.
In less than three weeks, the local health department has lifted restrictions on group size and overall occupancy of bars, restaurants and entertainment venues, as long as the social distance between groups and tables is maintained. did. The latest health orders have also lifted restrictions on the number of spectators in sports and activities.
The current health order expires on Wednesday and a new order will be announced on Tuesday.
Relaxation of restrictions follows a decline in COVID-19 cases in Boone County. The county reports 16 new cases over the weekend, with an average of 15 new cases over a 5-day period.
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