First children aged 12 to 15 begin receiving COVID-19 vaccination in Arizona
Children in Arizona began vaccination on Thursday after the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommended the use of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine for children aged 12 to 15.
Pediatric clinics in the state have begun to provide vaccines to children who are eager to receive their first injection. And their parents seemed equally excited to apply for their children’s promises.
Peoria’s Keri Chorpenning said he was “very excited” to receive the first dose of the vaccine at the Lake Pleasant office in Pleasant Pediatrics, where his 14-year-old son Nathaniel began vaccination of children on Wednesday. I did.On the same day, the CDC issued its recommendations.
Nathaniel Chorpening in a wheelchair is non-verbal in the diagnosis of cerebral palsy and autism. According to Keri Chorpening, his family stayed home for over a year to take care of him while he was attending online school.
“He needs to pay attention to all activities of daily living, so if he gets sick from a child, I have to take care of him. I’m immunocompromised, so literally hibernation “I do,” she said, adding that her family wanted it. To “go to the beach”, which is Nathaniel’s “happy place”.
Nathaniel, like many other children vaccinated Thursday morning, was calm to see the needle in his left arm.
“He will be a happier person,” Keri Chorpenning said of his son, adding that in addition to the beach, the family would take Nathaniel to a grocery store and book treatment directly. ..
Other vaccinated children said they were excited to resume their pre-pandemic activities, including going out and meeting friends such as Phoenix’s Logan Tyo, 12,. Tio said he plans to travel to California with his family this summer. Julian Paes, 12, of El Mirage, said she plans to visit her father and grandmother in Texas next month. And Peoria’s Natalie Kisner, 15, said she plans to travel to Puerto Vallarta, Rocky Point and Colorado.
Kisner said he had been vaccinated “to keep others safe and (self) safe.” Her mother, Brooke Kisner, said vaccination of her daughters was a way to play their part “to help get this done.”
“I’ve been locked up in my house for a year and wanted to leave home as soon as possible. It’s very important to get rid of this COVID so that no one in the next generation needs to do so. I think we’ll deal with that, “said Peoria’s Abigail Emmet, 13,. She and her twin brother, Christopher, have attended online school for the past year and visited Pleasant Pediatrics on Thursday morning for their first dose.
Abigail Emmet said she was “very excited” about the vaccine, so she sang a parody of the Disney movie “Frozen” for the first time in her life, celebrating her final shot.
“I changed the lyrics to’for the first time in my life’and finally got the vaccine,” she said.
Manya Tewari, 12, of Peoria, told one of her friends that she had applied for vaccination. “She said she was excited about me, and she will get her soon,” Tewari said of her friend.
Tewari’s mother, Himani Pandy, learned that Pleasant Pediatrics is providing vaccines through a Whatsapp group of friends in her community. Tewari is not a clinic patient, but was able to be vaccinated because Pleasant Pediatrics provided doses to eligible children aged 12 to 15 years.
Dr. Sandia Rabbi, Chief Medical Officer and Owner of Pleasant pediatrics, said:
The clinic has five offices in the Phoenix metropolitan area. There are four in the West Valley and one in the East Valley. Parents can make reservations for their children using the COVID-19 Vaccine Reservation Portal on the clinic’s website. Comfortable
Ravi said there was a lot of enthusiasm for the approval of the Pfizer vaccine between the ages of 12 and 15.
“I’ve never seen children get excited about the COVID vaccine,” she said. “All of these kids went home and were away from their families and grandparents, so they’re vaccinated for a pandemic, and now … they spend more time with their friends, preferably. You can go back to school directly. “
Pleasant Pediatrics bought a ultra-low temperature freezer to store Pfizer vaccines, but it wasn’t cheap, Ravi said. The clinic uses dry ice boxes and refrigerators to temporarily store vaccines removed from the ultra-low temperature freezer.
“There are all these rules we had to obey,” she said. “It took us a while to prepare all these things and ask (our staff) to watch the video.”
Rabbi said most parents who signed up for their children’s appointments were enthusiastic about the vaccine, but false information is still widespread.
“Many parents are concerned that it will cause some future problems,” she said. “They are worried that it is too early to get the vaccine approved for children because they are not so ill with COVID. But looking at our country’s statistics , Every day my child dies of COVID. “
Logan Tyo briefly summarized what vaccination means to him.
“I’m not going to die, probably,” he said shortly after receiving the first shot.
Christopher Emmet said he had “the most random needle horror in the world”, but said he was looking forward to receiving the COVID-19 vaccine more than any other shot.
“It was more important because it was probably the biggest threat,” Emmet said.
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