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Warm and moist springs bring more ticks and Lyme disease in Ohio

Warm and moist springs bring more ticks and Lyme disease in Ohio


Cleveland, Ohio — Tick-borne Lyme disease is on the rise in Ohio, due to the warm, rainy weather this spring.

The more people and pets you go out, the more likely you are to pick up mites, especially in wooded or weedy areas.

“This year was a pretty comfortable spring and there was a lot of rain and mites,” he said. Richard Gary, State Public Health Entomologist With the Ohio Department of Health. “It’s a pretty good environment for mites because they need humidity to thrive.”

Lyme disease has increased in Ohio over the past decade, and the number of infected black-footed and deer ticks that spread the disease to humans has also increased, Gary said.

That trend continues. By last spring, about 42 cases of Lyme disease had been reported. So far, there have been 64 cases this year, according to the Ohio Department of Health.

State health officials reported approximately 400 cases of Lyme disease in 2020.

Lyme disease It may cause fever, headache, malaise and skin rash. If left untreated, the infection can spread to the joints, heart, and nervous system. Approximately 30,000 cases of Lyme disease are reported to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention each year. However, other CDC estimates based on alternative follow-up methods suggest that approximately 476,000 Americans suffer from Lyme disease each year.

Ticks also spread Rocky Mountain spotted fever.

“Now there are a lot of mites and various diseases are widespread,” he said. Tim McDermott, OSU Extended Educator Based in Franklin County. “They are all bad and can have a serious impact on you and your family.”

Two newly discovered mites have been identified in Ohio in some parts of Ohio. This brings the number of tick species found in Ohio to five, all affecting the health of humans, pets and livestock.

Find out how to minimize the chances of you, your family and your pets encountering infected mites this summer. Here you will find information about tick habitats, Lyme disease, and how deer spread ticks. Information is Gary, McDermott, Ohio Natural Resources Department And ODH.

What types of mites can be found in Ohio?

The American dog tick, black legged tick, and tick are the most common ticks in Ohio and are the ticks most likely to be encountered by humans and pets. These three species are responsible for almost all tick-borne diseases reported to state health authorities.

In 2020, two new mites were discovered in Ohio. Both the Gulf Coast and Haemaphysalis longicornis have been found in other parts of the state, but mite experts predict that these species will eventually spread to northeastern Ohio.

Did a recent study find mites on the beach?

There are also many ticks that carry diseases that are common in wooded areas, near the beaches of Northern California. It turned out in a recent study. The findings emphasized that mites are more widespread than normally thought.

Mites were not found on the beach, but were found in vegetation where beach goers could walk to the beach.

Researchers at Colorado State University led the study and were recently published in Applied and Environmental Microbiology.

The findings of this study were partly surprising in that the Western Gray Squirrel, a major source of ticks in the area, is not common in coastal areas.

Northern California studies have nothing to do with Ohio.

Where are mites often seen?

American dog ticks prefer meadows, grasslands, roadsides, etc., while American dog ticks prefer wooded areas.

All mites are common in defoliation next to paths used by wildlife. Therefore, it is important to avoid hikers walking away from the trails, fallen leaves in the forest, and weedy areas.

When are mites most active?

Ticks are less active in the colder months and more active in the warmer months. They do not die in winter. They go into dormant mode. The American dog tick is currently active until August.

“Usually when it’s very hot and dry in the summer, it disappears temporarily and comes back in the fall,” Gary said.

What is the relationship between deer and mites?

Ticks prefer to eat deer, which contribute to the spread of ticks. “If an adult tick feeds on a deer, it may feed for a week and the deer may be in a completely different location before the tick leaves and lays eggs,” McDermott said. ..

ODH tick chart

This chart from the Ohio Department of Health shows the various stages of the mite life cycle and when most cases of Lyme disease have been recorded. Mites spread the disease through bites.

Tips for avoiding tick bites

Avoid overgrown areas with weeds and deciduous trees. Walk in the middle of the promenade.

Use a tick repellent and read the instructions on how to use it correctly. You can also use tick repellents on pets.

Put your shirt in your pants and your pants in your socks or boots.

After spending time outdoors, check out ticks for yourself, your family and your pet. If you find one, use tweezers to carefully remove the ticks. Tick-to-human transmission takes 36-48 hours, but can be transmitted sooner.

Hunters should check the carcasses of deer and squirrels for mites and check the exposed skin after handling the carcasses. Venison and squirrel meat do not cause Lyme disease, but the meat should be cooked well.

Rotate the clothes in the dryer for about 10 minutes to kill the mites or wash the clothes with boiling water.

Talk to your veterinarian about a lime vaccine for pets with black-footed ticks.

Create a safe zone for ticks in your garden.


Information on tick species, tick-borne diseases, and common tick images at various life stages.

Lyme disease and ticks

Ohio Maps and Statistics of Lyme Disease

Backyard tick prevention

Tick ​​identification guide

Ohio tick

Tips for avoiding tick bites

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