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Group suspects COVID vaccine before vaccine exists | Health


NEW YORK (AP) —Coronavirus vaccines are still months or years into the future, but groups that sell false information about vaccination are already aiming, and will be the best opportunity for humanity to kill the virus It can undermine confidence in the possibilities.

In the last few weeks, vaccine opponents have made some groundless claims. This includes claims that vaccine trials are at risk and that the country’s top infectious disease specialist, Dr. Anthony Fauci, is blocking treatments that strengthen vaccine makers. They also falsely argued that Microsoft founder Bill Gates wanted to use the vaccine to inject people with microchips, or to dispose of 15% of the world’s population.

US vaccine opponents have been around for a long time. Their claims range from relatively modest safety concerns about the risk of a particular vaccine or side effect to conspiracy theories of dealing with strange things.

The movement is gaining new attention, especially in collaboration with groups who are protesting loudly against restrictions on daily life aimed at controlling the spread of the virus. Healthcare professionals have said that false alarms about vaccines can have fatal consequences if they lead people to choose fake treatments.

“Only the coronavirus vaccine can really protect us from future outbreaks,” said Dr. Scott Lazan, a doctor and medical error information specialist at City University of New York and Columbia University. “But what if the efforts are successful and a large number of people decide not to vaccinate themselves or their children?”

Vaccines against diseases such as polio, smallpox, and measles have benefited millions, but some skeptics have rejected science because of distrust of modern medicine and government. Others say that the mandatory vaccine requirements violate their freedom of religion.

Rita Palma, called My Kids, My Choice, the leader of the Long Island Anti-Vaccine Group, is one of the people who says their families cannot get the coronavirus vaccine.

“Many of us are plagued by the idea that we’re forced to get the vaccine,” Parma said. “I never choose to get the COVID-19 vaccine. I don’t want the government to force it on my community or family.”

Since the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic, vaccine skeptics have adjusted some longstanding claims about vaccine safety to suit the current pandemic. Some argued that when the first lawsuit was announced in January in the United States, the coronavirus was manufactured and the patent was found online.

After thousands of deaths, vaccine opponents have approved unapproved treatments, speculated medical professionals, and fears of forced vaccination. They also launched a protest against home orders in the United States.

“The coronavirus caused this complete misinformation storm,” said David A. Broniatowski, an associate professor at the Faculty of Engineering and Applied Sciences at George Washington University, who published several studies on vaccine misinformation. Said.

Anti-vaccine activists were arrested in Idaho last week after repeatedly refusing police orders to close the playground for a pandemic. The woman, who was with another family, belongs to two groups who protested at-home orders at the Idaho State Capitol.

The Facebook group, formed to organize protests, is driven by vaccine hoaxes and myths. Perhaps no one in collusion theory plays a bigger role than Gates, who finances vaccine research. Online moves have centered on concerns about the COVID-19 vaccine regarding false claims that Gates plans to microchip people with vaccines or use it to reduce the world’s population. .

Robert F. Kennedy Jr., a vaccine critic who helped spread the unwarranted claims that vaccines could cause autism, said Gates’ study told him: “The dictatorship of global health policy. “Is given. Roger Stone, former counselor to President Donald Trump, went further on a radio show in New York City, where Gates and “other globalists” used coronavirus for “compulsory vaccination and microchipping”. I said.

Such wild theories can affect the real world. False rumors that Gates wanted to test an vaccine in South Africa became mainstream after news sites falsely reported claims. One of the country’s political parties sent a letter to President Cyril Lampaphosa asking for an answer on a “transaction” with Mr.

In fact, Gates and his wife are funding vaccine trials in Philadelphia and Kansas City, Missouri, but not in South Africa. He also suggested creating a database of people immune to the virus, rather than embedding a microchip.

In a statement confirming World Vaccination Week on Monday, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Executive Secretary of the World Health Organization, said regular vaccination of children was vaccinated because many families feared their doctors’ exposure to COVID-19. Criticized vaccine skeptics for spreading false information while delaying or skipping the ‘office.

“Myths and misconceptions about vaccines are adding fuel to the fire,” he said.

Medical experts have repeatedly stated that there is no evidence that the coronavirus was intentionally created or spread. They also claim that the vaccine is not only safe, but essential to the health of the world.

“Vaccine researchers and advocates all have a deep interest in vaccine safety,” said a doctor at the Children’s Hospital in Philadelphia, a co-inventor of the rotavirus vaccine that kills hundreds of thousands of children each year. Said Dr. Paul Ofit.

Most often, coronaviruses cause mild or moderate symptoms such as fever and cough, which resolve in a few weeks. However, it can cause more serious illnesses, including pneumonia, and can cause death to some people, especially older people and those with existing health problems.

The vaccination debate is a fertile ground for groups seeking to discourage the United States. Russia seized it before the 2016 US elections, broke up and appears to be again.

A report from the European Union’s Fake Intelligence Corps claims many conspiracy theories in English Russian media, including the state-run RT, claiming that the vaccine will eventually be used to inject nanoparticles into people. I found.

“We are hesitant to look for a specialized medical institution when the Kremlin disinformation agency spreads anti-vaccine antiviral drugs,” the EU report said.


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