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Long-distance COVID-19 for kids and teenagers

Long-distance COVID-19 for kids and teenagers


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Experts are learning how the seemingly mild case of COVID-19 has transformed into a debilitating case of long-range COVID-19.Svetlana Gustova / Getty Images
  • Recently the study It is known that one in four people infected with COVID-19 is infected with long-distance COVID-19. However, research is still underway.
  • Experts are also learning how long-range COVID-19 affects children and teens.
  • Symptoms of long-distance COVID-19 may appear weeks after the initial infection, even if the initial infection is mild or asymptomatic. Also, symptoms may change over time.

Although cases of COVID-19 are declining in the United States, experts are still learning how a year-long global pandemic affects our long-term physical and mental health. I’m doing it.

In particular, people with long-distance COVID-19 are attracting attention. This is a syndrome that appears in people with prolonged symptoms after an acute case of COVID-19.

Most severe COVID-19 patients were adults, but experts are learning how the seemingly mild COVID-19 case turned into a debilitating long-distance COVID-19 case.

Recently the study It is known that one in four people infected with COVID-19 is infected with long-distance COVID-19. However, research is still underway.

Long-range COVID-19, often referred to as “long COVID”, can cause a variety of symptoms, some of which include:

  • Malaise
  • Can’t concentrate
  • Dyspnea
  • muscle pain
  • depression
  • anxiety

Even if the initial infection is mild or asymptomatic, symptoms may appear weeks after the initial infection. Also, symptoms may change over time.

Much of the attention on long-range COVID-19 is aimed at adults, Early research It shows that it can also affect children and teenagers.

In these cases, many children suffer from seemingly mild cases, which can lead to long-distance COVID-19 and can be debilitating.

Researchers are still working to determine the cause of long-distance COVID-19 and identify the most effective treatments.

For some families, the effects of the pandemic will not soon subside as the number of cases in the United States declines.

Molly Birch was 16 years old in March 2020 and first developed symptoms of COVID-19.

Molly’s mother, Anne Wallace, told Healthline, “She coughed a little on March 8th, but on March 9th her cough worsened and she had a fever.”

In the next three weeks, Molly’s symptoms worsened before they improved.

After her initial infection, some of her symptoms were prolonged and new symptoms appeared months later.

“I thought she was better, but in August I had another shortness of breath,” says Wallace. “I remember it was her birthday. She had difficulty breathing and it was very disturbing.”

Molly’s acute illness may have subsided, but the teenager did not recover completely.

Molly is out of breath as she climbs the stairs. A day at school makes her tired.

Her symptoms are consistent with long-distance COVID-19, which lasts for weeks or months after someone is first infected with the virus that causes COVID-19.

“In the past week, she feels better than the previous week,” Wallace said. “But you never know about long-term COVID. You can think you’re clear and then hit.”

One of the challenges in diagnosing long-distance COVID-19 is that many people infected with the virus have never been tested. Alternatively, it may have been tested only after the virus was removed from the system.

When Molly fell ill in March 2020, her testing capacity was very limited. Her doctor estimated that she was infected with COVID-19 based on her symptoms, but she did not meet the narrow testing criteria practiced in her home state of New Jersey.

“Molly wasn’t out of the country. She wasn’t in contact with a known case of COVID. And she had a fever and a cough, but she wasn’t short of breath,” Wallace recalls. I did.

More than a week after Molly became ill, Wallace also developed symptoms of COVID-19.

Both were finally tested on March 22nd. Wallace’s result was positive, but Molly’s result was negative.

That does not mean that Molly was not infected with COVID-19. By the time she was tested, she had been ill for several weeks, at which point the virus was often undetected.

“Where we were tested, we were told,’Molly is presumed to be positive,'” Wallace said. “The doctor initially said,’I think this is COVID,’ but my positive test made it even more credible.”

Like the COVID-19 itself, the long-range COVID-19 is a number of unknown new states. Healthcare professionals need to learn on the go and have challenged healthcare professionals and the people they treat, such as Molly and Wallace.

“It’s not that people aren’t offering help, which means they didn’t have any help at first,” Wallace said.

“It’s still crazy that it’s difficult to care for patients with the new coronavirus infection (COVID-19).”

Over the past year, more specialized clinics have been opened nationwide to provide rehabilitation support to those who have recovered from COVID-19.

Norton Pediatrics COVID-19 Follow-up Clinic In Louisville, Kentucky, we are particularly focused on treating children and teenagers.

“We started to notice children with prolonged COVID symptoms, but we didn’t have much data or resources to help some of these children,” he said. Dr. Daniel B. BrattI am a pediatric infectious disease specialist at the clinic. “Therefore, we decided not only to treat these children, but also to set up our own clinic to investigate the nuances of the syndrome.”

Bratt checks for other potential causes of symptoms before giving the child a diagnosis of long-distance COVID-19.

Long-range COVID-19 causes common symptoms. In other words, it is similar to other symptoms. For example, fatigue and shortness of breath can be caused by a variety of infections.

“One of our strengths as an infectious disease doctor is to determine if it is a long-term COVID or another infectious disease that looks like a long-term COVID,” Bratt said. Mr. says.

“Then we either return the patient to the hospital for follow-up or refer him to another subspecialist depending on his condition,” he continued.

For example, Bratt may refer a child with shortness of breath to a pulmonologist or cardiologist.

If they are experiencing anxiety or depression, he may refer a psychologist or psychiatrist.

Molly’s doctor recently ordered a chest x-ray and referred her to a cardiologist.

One of the most important things healthcare professionals can provide to help children and families cope with long-distance COVID-19 is emotional support and peace of mind, Bratt said.

“Most people who have had a new coronavirus infection so far will recover over time,” Bratt said. “Prolonged symptoms are scary and frustrating, but the sense of security that the symptoms improve relieves many anxieties.”

Emotional support is also an important aspect of care. Noah Greenspan, DPT, CCS, EMT-B are available to patients at the COVID-19 Rehabilitation and Recovery Center for H & D Physical Therapy in Manhattan, New York. Greenspan is a cardiopulmonary and complex physiotherapist and founder of the Pulmonary Wellness Foundation.

“COVID-19 is a global pandemic,” Greenspan told Healthline. “The situation is constantly evolving. The information is as good as the last news cycle, and the recommendations are constantly changing.”

“It causes anxiety in itself,” he continued. “In addition, being isolated, not being tested, and dealing with this serious illness. It’s a really difficult time.”

Greenspan has treated Wallace’s own persistent symptoms following COVID-19, while providing support to manage her daughter’s health needs.

“One of Noah’s offerings is how my family is affected, how my daughter’s health affects me, and how helping my daughter recover is helping me. It’s an awareness of, “Wallace said.

Children with long-distance COVID-19 also need help from other community members, including school staff.

“I think school leaders need to pay attention to children infected with COVID.

Molly’s school has recently adopted a hybrid learning approach. This means that we have face-to-face lessons two days a week and online at other times. Academic demands were difficult for her to meet.

“For a few weeks in a row, she went to school on Wednesday, but couldn’t get out of bed on Thursday,” Wallace said. “Efforts to go to school just knocked her out.”

Even when Molly attends classes online from home, she needs energy and she lacks energy.

“Even if the kids are studying at home, they need accommodation,” says Wallace.

Wallace wants people to take the risks of COVID-19 in their children more seriously, including the risks of long-distance COVID-19. This condition can have a wide range of effects on a child’s health and well-being.

“It’s hard to get sick for a year in a child’s life,” says Wallace. “Think of all the developmental and social milestones that children experience during the year.”

Bratt told Healthline that the only way to avoid long-distance COVID-19 infections is to do what you can to prevent them from being infected with COVID-19 in the first place.

“And the best way to avoid getting infected with COVID is to get vaccinated,” he said.

Is Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Recommends COVID-19 vaccination for adults and children over 12 years of age. Researchers continue to study the safety and efficacy of vaccines in younger children who are not currently eligible for vaccination.

The more vaccinated adults and older children are, the more protection may be provided to younger children.

The higher the vaccination rate in the community, the less likely it is that the infection will spread.

Wearing a face mask also reduces the risk of infection.


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