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Michigan’s unemployment rate in February remains stable over a month

Michigan’s unemployment rate in February remains stable over a month


LANSING, Mich. — Michigan’s seasonally adjusted unemployment rate was unchanged for the third consecutive month at 4.3%, according to data released today by the Department of Technology, Management and Budget. Total employment in the state increased by 8,000 and unemployment fell by 2,000 during the month, leading to a labor force increase of 6,000 in February.

“Michigan’s labor market was stable in February,” said Wayne Rourke, director of labor market information for the Michigan Center for Data and Analytics. “Wage employment increased for the fourth consecutive month.”

The national unemployment rate rose two tenths of a percentage point in February to 3.6%. Michigan’s rate in February was seven-tenths of a percentage point above the US rate. The national unemployment rate has fallen two-tenths of a percentage point over the year, while Michigan’s rate has edged up a tenth of a percentage point since February 2022.

Labor Force Trends and Highlights

  • Michigan’s employment level rose 0.2% during the month, while the national employment total rose 0.1%.
  • The 1.5% increase in the U.S. workforce during the year was 1.1 percentage points higher than the increase in the statewide workforce since February 2022.
  • February’s statewide labor force participation rate remained at 59.8% on the month, while Michigan’s employment-to-population ratio edged up a tenth of a percentage point to 57, 3%. Both February 2023 measurements remained below their pre-pandemic February 2020 values ​​(61.3% and 59.0%, respectively).

February unemployment rate in metro Detroit remains constant

The seasonally adjusted unemployment rate for the Detroit-Warren-Dearborn Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) held steady at 3.8% between January and February. The region’s labor force remained almost unchanged, increasing slightly by 1,000 during the month.

The Detroit MSA unemployment rate fell 0.4 percentage points over the year. Total employment and unemployment fell by 11,000. The regional workforce has fallen by 21,000 since February 2022.

Michigan salaried jobs increase in February

According to the Monthly Employer Survey, Michigan’s seasonally adjusted nonfarm payrolls rose 15,000, or 0.3%, in the month to February’s total payroll of 4,416,000. Minor increases in employment were observed in several industries.

Industry Employment Trends and Highlights

  • Payroll employment increased for the fourth consecutive month in February.
  • On a numerical basis, the recreation and hospitality and trade, transportation and utilities industries posted the strongest job growth in the month, with jobs up 4,000 in each sector since January.
  • The monthly increase in the recreation and hospitality industry comes from the accommodation and food services sub-sector.
  • Average weekly earnings in the manufacturing industry rose 1.1% on the month and 6.1% on the year.
  • Industries with the largest payroll employment gains during the year included government (+23,000) and leisure and hospitality (+21,000).
  • Total non-farm payrolls increased by 92,000, or 2.1%, over the year.
  • On a seasonally adjusted basis, Michigan’s total nonfarm payroll employment was just 33,000, or 0.7%, below its pre-pandemic level in February 2020.

For more detailed information, including data tables, see the full version.

Note on data revisions: The data in this release reflects recently revised historical estimates. All states in the country participate in this review process facilitated by the U.S. Department of Labor’s Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Seasonally adjusted and unadjusted monthly labor force estimates from 2018 to 2022 for Michigan and the MSA of Detroit-Warren-Dearborn have been revised.

In addition, all unadjusted payroll employment data have been revised for 2021 and 2022. Seasonally adjusted payroll employment data have been revised through 2018 for all industries. For some industries with larger historical revisions, unadjusted and seasonally adjusted payroll employment data have been revised for multiple years, some dating back to 1990. For recently revised data, go to

Previously published data for these years should be deleted and replaced with the new series.





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