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Space Force's new business strategy emphasizes partnerships

Space Force's new business strategy emphasizes partnerships


Space Force has released a new strategic plan focused on integrating more commercial solutions to address space-related threats to national security.

Space Force welcomes what it calls a renaissance in space and also highlights the threats Russia and China pose to national security and allied, commercial and civilian interests in space.

We must harness American entrepreneurship, innovation, and dynamic competitive markets to succeed and maintain our competitive advantage across the spectrum of conflict in this era of great power competition, says the strategy's foreword published on April 10.

The authors of this draft are Frank Calvelli, assistant secretary of the Air Force for space acquisition and integration; and Space Force Gen. B. Chance Saltzman, chief of space operations.

The US Space Force's commercial space strategy seeks to build on a similar document. the Ministry of Defense unveiled in April. Space Force strategy is based on four guiding principles: balance, interoperability, resilience and responsible conduct.

Mature and emerging commercial space solutions provide Space Force with the opportunity to explore new ways to meet its needs, the strategy states.

The strategy identifies four lines of effort that Space Force will pursue:

  • Collaborative transparency
  • Operational and technical integration
  • Risk management
  • Securing the future

As part of collaborative transparency, Space Force aims to partner and collaborate with the commercial sector to increase the resilience and diversity of satellite constellations and create a distributed space architecture.

For operational and technical integration, Space Force wants to work with the commercial sector to find opportunities to improve space domain awareness; satellite communications; access to space, mobility and logistics; and tactical intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance.

Other areas of this second part include cyberspace operations, command and control, space environmental monitoring, and positioning, navigation and timing.

Space Force is also advancing the idea of ​​hybrid architectures that would connect military, civil and commercial space systems to improve situational awareness.

The strategy identifies the offices responsible for each area of ​​intervention. For example, Space Systems Command is responsible for the security of the future line of effort.

The strategy also includes four criteria that Space Force will use to select projects and initiatives to move forward on:

  • Operational utility
  • Feasibility
  • Resilience by design
  • Speed ​​of commissioning

The Space Force has formalized how we want to move forward with commercial industry in a new approach to reset and improve our connection to the space economy; we need their innovations, said Lt. Gen. Shawn Bratton, deputy chief of space operations, strategy, plans, programs and requirements. We have carefully crafted the commercial space strategy to drive the development of more resilient and combat-capable architectures while deploying them faster, in greater numbers and at lower cost.




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