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The CAC 40 soars following the legislative elections in France!

The CAC 40 soars following the legislative elections in France!


2:45 p.m.
min read by
Eddy S.

The day after the first round of the legislative elections in France, the stock market reacted positively, with a significant jump in the CAC 40. The Paris Stock Exchange recorded an increase of 2%! A reaction which seems influenced by the results slightly below expectations from the National Rally.

Paris CAC 40 Stock Exchange

Stock market: The CAC 40 soars in the first round of the Legislative elections!

Investors showed a notable relief! This led to a sharp rise in European stock markets, particularly the CAC 40. After four consecutive sessions of decline, the main index of the Parisian market climbed by 2.51% to 7,667 points. This rise was mainly driven by banks. The latter were the first to suffer from the uncertainty generated by the announcement of early legislative elections.

According to the final results, the National Rally (RN) and its allies, the Republicans (LR), obtained 33.15% of the votes. Ahead of the New Popular Front (NFP), credited with 27.99%, and the presidential list Together with 20.4%. The lower score of RN fears compared to investor fears was a key factor explaining the rebound of the indices at the opening of the stock markets. Furthermore, French banks such as Société Générale, Crédit Agricole and BNP Paribas also recorded significant gains, with increases ranging from 5% to 7%.

Is it too early to claim victory?

However, despite this positive market reactionpolitical uncertainty remains. French assets could remain volatile in a context where the final results of the legislative elections are not yet known. Investors remain attentive to political developments and their potential impact on the economy, the stock market and financial markets.

This rebound of the CAC 40 after the first round of the legislative elections illustrates the sensitivity of the markets to political events. But also their ability to react quickly to changes in the political landscape. As France continues to navigate an uncertain political climate, eyes remain fixed on the Paris Stock Exchange to anticipate future trends.

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Eddy S.

The world is evolving and adaptation is the best weapon to survive in this undulating universe. Basically a crypto community manager, I am interested in everything that directly or indirectly affects blockchain and its derivatives. In order to share my experience and raise awareness of a field that fascinates me, there is nothing better than writing articles that are informative and relaxed at the same time.


The views, thoughts and opinions expressed in this article are solely those of the author and should not be considered investment advice. Do your own research before making any investment decision.




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