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Lexus Unveils Improved Off-Road J201 – LX 570 Concept; supercharged engine with 550 hp / 745 Nm


What could a more off-road-oriented Lexus LX 570 be? The automaker has the answer to this with the unveiling of the J201 Concept, which is based on the regular model which is powered by a 5.7-liter naturally aspirated petrol V8 engine producing 362 hp and 530 Nm of torque.

Here, Lexus hired experts from the Expedition Overland land adventure to outfit the J201, which was so named after Lexus’ internal platform code for the vehicle. The standard vehicle’s engine gained a Magnusson supercharger to increase outputs to 550 hp and 745 Nm of torque, mated to an eight-speed automatic transmission driving all four wheels via ARB Air Locker differentials.

The J201 Concept’s additional off-road capability over the standard LX 570 comes from a host of features, starting with a CBI all-terrain front bumper, Warn Industries Zeon 10-S winch and light bar. Rigid Industries 30 inch SR-Series Pro RDS. in the off-road bumper. A TJM Airtec Snorkel takes care of intake under adverse conditions, and a dual high-performance ARB on-board compressor adds utility to the J201.

Of course, the rolling stock has been upgraded for the job as well, including here an 8 inch x 17 inch Evo Corse DakarZero wheelset mounted with General Grabber X3 tires measuring 285 / 70R17. Braking is provided by Stoptech, with drilled and grooved brake discs as well as high-performance brake pads fitted with color-matched calipers.

The suspension has been upgraded for the front and rear upper suspension arms of Icon Vehicle Dynamics, as well as the original front and rear struts. The stock height sensors have been recalibrated to ride higher, offering a lift of 50.8mm at the front and 25.4mm at the rear in normal mode, and up to 121.9mm at front and 104.1mm rear in Extra Hi mode, with two other modes in between.

Protection of the underbody is ensured by slides and CBI protection plates, the latter protecting the transfer case and the fuel tank. The upgrades that make up the J201 also make use of the roof, where a Prinsu Design roof rack system is installed with a 40-inch SR series light bar.

The rear end of the J201 receives a CBI off-road rear bumper system, which includes a rear ladder, two swivel outlets, a spare wheel carrier, and a Baja Designs S2 Sport lighting setup. This is joined by a pair of five gallon (18.9 liter) Scepter water cans.

Inside, the J201 receives an ARB Linx accessory interface that controls accessory lighting, air locker differentials, air compressors, as well as vehicle battery and vehicle status monitoring. angle of the vehicle on steep terrain.

Luggage organization includes a Goose gear drawer module installed in the luggage compartment, where a Warn Epic Recovery kit includes tow straps, hooks, and more. It even has recesses for dog bowls when furry friends are also on board.

The Lexus J201 concept will make its live debut at the Rebelle Rally 2020, America’s first women’s off-road rally raid which kicks off on October 8. and the duo will traverse 2,000 km of difficult terrain in seven days through California and Nevada.

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