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Jaden Smith to be honored by UCLA’s Institute of Environment and Sustainability – The Hollywood Reporter


At 22, Jaden Smith has already inked his resume with professions such as actor, director, rapper, artist, activist and brand ambassador for Louis Vuitton and New Balance. He can now add Environmental Champion to the list when he is honored with the title on Oct. 13 by UCLA’s Institute of the Environment and Sustainability.

Awarded to Smith for his efforts for environmental justice and clean, safe water, he will join a list of previous laureates that include Ted Sarandos, Barbra Streisand, Al Gore and Jeff Skoll. “I am delighted to honor these young leaders of activism and action for climate justice,” said Marilyn Raphael, the Institute’s first black leader. Lawrence Bender, Producer and Co-Chairman of the Board, adds: “There is no doubt that Jaden represents the new generation of environmental warriors who understand not only the climate crisis but also climate justice. I could not be more delighted to pay tribute to him and in so doing help shed light on these most pressing issues.

Smith’s environmental work dates back to his pre-teens when, at age 11, he noticed plastic water bottles in the ocean while surfing. He would later co-found the Just Water brand, which uses plant-based packaging and sustainably sourced water. He has also deployed mobile water filtration systems in largely low-income minority communities like Watts of LA and Flint, Michigan, through his organization 501CTHREE.

Smith tells THR that he is “humble and grateful” to be recognized for his work by the institute. “The climate challenges we face are too great to leave ideas unexplored. Supporting the very bright minds of the school by tackling the toughest issues with intellect and action is the real honor for me and my non-profit organization 501CTHREE.

Tickets for the event can be pre-booked for a donation of $ 50 or more here. Additional information (and to sign up for updates) on the event, which will also feature Harrison Ford and Courteney Cox, can be found here. All proceeds from the event go to the school, its graduate students and their work.

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Jaden Smith and Marilyn Raphael, director of UCLA’s Institute of Environment and Sustainability.
Courtesy of Jaden Smith

This story first appeared in the June 16 issue of The Hollywood Reporter magazine. Click here to subscribe.

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