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The Wire actor’s funeral in Harrisburg, where he was remembered for giving back


About 150 families and friends, including about 20 actors and celebrities, attended the funeral of Michael K. Williams on Tuesday morning in downtown Harrisburg.

The hour-long service for HBOs star The Wire and Boardwalk Empire began at 10 a.m. at St. Stephens Episcopal Cathedral on North Front Street and Pine Street.

The program included a formal church service with hymns and fellowship as well as keepsakes from close family and friends.

Singer and actress Queen Latifah was in attendance, as well as The Wire creator David Simon and several Wire co-stars including Andre Royo, who played Bubbles, Jamie Hector, who played Marlo, and Felicia Pearson, who played interpreted Snoop. Williams portrayed Omar Little, a shotgun wanker who has targeted drug dealers. The series was filmed in Baltimore and was applauded for its authenticity in showing the lives of people in poor neighborhoods and serious problems within the police department.

Boardwalk Empire actor Malik Yoba attended the service and others who couldn’t attend sent flowers, including actress Gabrielle Union and singer Mariah Carey.

The service was broadcast live on the church’s Facebook page.

Williams, 54, was found dead in his Brooklyn home on September 6. Her body was brought to Harrisburg for her funeral, as her mother has lived in the area for over 20 years.

Harrisburg will be his final resting place, a city he visited often when he came to see his beloved mother and make appearances for charities and youth programs.

He came to Harrisburg as often as he could, said Johnathan Branam, director of the Hooper Memorial Home funeral home, which managed Williams’ services. He loved his mom. And he was a man from the community. Harrisburg embraced him as an adopted son.

Williams has often partnered at events to help residents with another local celebrity, Chris Franklin of the Harlem Globetrotters, who grew up in the capital. Franklin was a porter on Tuesday, along with Michael Giovanni, a Harrisburg actor discovered by Williams while working in a shoe store in the Harrisburg Mall.

After helping Williams in the store, Williams helped Giovanni get on The Wire, launching an acting career for Giovanni, according to WITF. Giovanni then appeared on Tyler Perrys House of Pain and Batman: The Dark Knight Rises.

The way art saved my life, Williams was quoted as saying, for me the only way for me to say thank you is to make sure I pass the torch.

It’s making sure that the foundation I’m standing on is strong enough to support the next person who will stand on those two shoulders.

The quote was printed on Williams’ funeral program, which detailed his long career accomplishments and five Emmy nominations.


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