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Hall of Fame and Melrose Place actor Morgan Stevens dies aged 70 of natural causes


Actor Morgan Steven was found dead inside his home after police carried out a wellness check, but police do not suspect foul play.

The actor, 70, had not been seen or heard from for a few days, prompting a neighbor to call for a checkup on Wednesday, when he was found in his kitchen and pronounced dead at the scene, via TMZ.

Police sources reveal there were no signs of foul play and he likely died of natural causes.

The world of cinema is in mourning following the death of television actor Morgan Stevens, who was found dead on Wednesday at the age of 70.

The world of cinema is in mourning following the death of television actor Morgan Stevens, who was found dead on Wednesday at the age of 70.

The Fame actor (pictured on the show) had not been seen or heard from for a few days, prompting a neighbor to call for a checkup on Wednesday, when he was found in his kitchen and told died at the scene.

The Fame actor (pictured on the show) had not been seen or heard from for a few days, prompting a neighbor to call for a checkup on Wednesday, when he was found in his kitchen and told died at the scene.

The actor was born Calvin Morgan Stevens on October 16, 1951 in Knoxville, Tennessee.

While he went to college at the University of Tennessee to do publicity, he became dissatisfied with this pursuit and joined the Coast Guard for a year.

He was stationed near New York and saw several plays on Broadway, which sparked his love for acting, which prompted him to return to school to switch to the acting arts.

After graduating, he moved to Los Angeles, where he quickly found work, landing a role in the revival of Peyton’s Place in 1979.

He also had small roles in One Day at a Time, Quincy ME and The Waltons before landing his first major role on the television series Fame.

He played Professor David Reardon in the show’s first two seasons from 1983 to 1984 before leaving the show.

He got his love for acting after he joined the Coast Guard and stationed himself near New York and saw several Broadway plays.  This prompted him to return to school to pursue acting majors.

He got his love for acting after he joined the Coast Guard and stationed himself near New York and saw several Broadway plays. This prompted him to return to school to pursue acting majors.

Robert Young and Morgan Stevens of The Return of Marcus Welby, MD

Robert Young and Morgan Stevens of The Return of Marcus Welby, MD

He also had small roles in One Day at a Time, Quincy ME and The Waltons before landing his first major role on the television series Fame.

He also had small roles in One Day at a Time, Quincy ME and The Waltons before landing his first major role on the television series Fame.

He played Professor David Reardon on the show's first two seasons from 1983 to 1984 before leaving the show

He played Professor David Reardon on the show’s first two seasons from 1983 to 1984 before leaving the show

He would go on to guest star on a number of other hit TV shows like The Love Boat, Airwolf, Magnum PI, MacGyver and Murder She Wrote in the 1980s.

He also starred in the short-lived series A Year in the Life alongside Sarah Jessica Parker, before his career was derailed after being the victim of police brutality.

The actor claimed he was beaten by two LAPD jailers after being apprehended for a DUI following a minor traffic accident.

He would go on to guest star on a number of other hit TV shows like The Love Boat, Airwolf, Magnum PI, MacGyver and Murder She Wrote in the 1980s.

He would go on to guest star on a number of other hit TV shows like The Love Boat, Airwolf, Magnum PI, MacGyver and Murder She Wrote in the 1980s.

He also starred in the short-lived series A Year in the Live alongside Sarah Jessica Parker, before his career was derailed after he was the victim of police brutality, which was settled out of court.

He also starred in the short-lived series A Year in the Live alongside Sarah Jessica Parker, before his career was derailed after he was the victim of police brutality, which was settled out of court.

He left prison with a broken nose, fractured cheek, dislocated jaw and nerve damage and sued the LAPD, eventually settling out of court in June 1991, with a Los Angeles Timesreport claiming the city was unwilling to let the case go to court due to the Rodney King case.

He briefly returned to work with a TV movie Criminal Behavior and a guest role on The Boys of Twilight in 1992, but he didn’t work again until he landed the role of Nick Diamond on Melrose Place in 1995.

He also starred in One West Waikiki, Murder One, High Incident, and Walker, Texas Ranger in the late 1990s, though he hasn’t been on screen since.




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