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Kenan Thompson’s star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame

Kenan Thompson’s star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame


Comedian and actor Kenan Thompson poses on his just unveiled Hollywood Walk of Fame star on August 11, 2022 in Hollywood, California.  - Thompson's accolade will make him the 2,728th star in the television category of the Hollywood Walk of Fame.  (Photo by Frederic J. BROWN/AFP) (Photo by FREDERIC J. BROWN/AFP via Getty Images)Image source: Getty / FREDERIC J. BROWN / AFP

Kenan Thompson officially has his own star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame! On Thursday, Aug. 11, the Thompson star was welcomed to the prestigious Los Angeles landmark in a ceremony attended by his family and guest speakers that included other comic icons and some of Kenan’s oldest co-stars. .

Thompson has been making homes laugh since the moment he burst onto our screens in his breakout role in the cast of Nickelodeon’s hit 1994 comedy show “All That.” From then on, his status as a comedic icon only grew with roles in the “All That” movie spinoffs “Good Burger” and “Kenan & Kel.” Ultimately, he landed a spot on the prestigious cast of ‘Saturday Night Live’ in 2004 and made ‘SNL’ history by becoming the longest-serving cast member as he neared his 20th birthday. season in the series. Thompson has appeared in more than 1,500 sketches on the show, creating hilarious roles in some of the show’s most iconic musical tracks, like “What’s up with that?” “Lobster Dinner” and “Come back, Barack.”

Comedian and actor Kenan Thompson reacts alongside his two daughters as his Hollywood Walk of Fame star is unveiled on August 11, 2022 in Hollywood.  JB Smoove, Josh Server and Leslie Jones attend the ceremony behind Thompson.  - Thompson's accolade will make him the 2,728th star in the television category of the Hollywood Walk of Fame.  (Photo by Frederic J. BROWN/AFP) (Photo by FREDERIC J. BROWN/AFP via Getty Images)Image source: Getty / FREDERIC J. BROWN / AFP

Comedians from all eras of Thompson’s career honored him with speeches at the ceremony, including Josh Server, Thompson’s “All That” co-star and friend of 30 years; JB Smoove, who appeared on “Saturday Night Live” alongside Thompson in his series debut and affectionately called Thompson Keenan “Dimples” Thompson; and Leslie Jones, who starred on “SNL” with Thompson from 2015 to 2019 and said when she met him she felt like she’d known him for 20 years already because of his impact.

ALL THAT, top row, L-R: Kel Mitchell, Angelique Bates, Josh Server, bottom row: Katrina Johnson, Kenan Thompson, Alisa Reyes, Lori Beth Denberg, (circa mid-1990s), 1994-2005 .  Phone.  : Tollin/Robbins Productions/courtesy Everett CollectionImage source: Everett-Collection

“Kenan Thompson is the voice of a generation,” Hollywood Walk of Fame producer Ana Martinez said in a statement on the Walk of Fame website. “From ‘Kenan and Kel’ to ‘Saturday Night Live’, Kenan has been making people laugh for nearly 30 years. To celebrate his upcoming 20th birthday on ‘SNL’, we thought it would be appropriate to place the star of Kenan next to the star of the man who gave him his job, Lorne Michael.”

Thompson’s star will sit right next to “SNL” creator Lorne Michaels. “You know, I never thought any of this would be possible. I just wanted to play and entertain and have a good time and put smiles on my family members’ faces, and that’s grown in the world now, apparently. “, said Thompson in his speech. “…It’s just an honor and a privilege to step in next to GOAT Lorne Michaels.”

Thompson will add another achievement to his storied career when he hosts the 2022 Emmys on Sept. 12. You can watch Thompson’s Hollywood Walk of Fame ceremony in full below.

Image source: Getty / Frederic J. BROWN / AFP




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