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Hollywood’s Weirdest Trend – The Hofstra Chronicle

Hollywood’s Weirdest Trend – The Hofstra Chronicle


Every once in a while there comes a time when Hollywood tends to focus on some rather strange trends within the film industry. Over the years, audiences have seen cinematic trends such as desaturated coloring techniques, remakes of classic movies, and biopics based on late and iconic celebrities.

However, one Hollywood trend trumps everything in terms of outright absurdity and unnecessary complexity: gritty, live-action adaptations of children’s entertainment. Now, that’s a pretty specific media area to focus on, but there are plenty of examples that argue for a legitimate trend in Hollywood in the 2000s and 2010s.

The first major example of this type of media is Michael Bays, an over-the-top adaptation of the iconic Transformers franchise, which reinvigorated the popularity of the namesake toy lines after the first movie in 2007. Using the toys and previous animated TV shows like source material, Bay transformed the once colorful and joyful Transformers franchise into a dark and deeply serious collection of action films that completely changed the original franchise into something completely unrecognizable.

With big names such as Shia LeBeouf and Megan Fox leading the project, the films became massive hits with audiences, spawning five sequels and one spin-off film. Although the films received mostly negative reviews from critics, Transformers quickly grew from a collection of relatively forgotten 1980s action toys to one of the highest-grossing film franchises in the entire universe. film history. So, was Transformers a one-time hit? Simply put: no.

Of course, the success of the media adaptation trend of gritty kids can’t be discussed without considering the massively significant success of the Marvel franchise. While it’s hard to put Marvel movies under the lens of children’s media these days due to the franchise’s ubiquity in all walks of entertainment, we must remember that the source material for these juggernauts cinema is a type of media that children consume. fairly regularly: comics.

It’s hard to believe that iconic, ultra-serious characters like Captain America and Iron Man started out as colorful, goofy cartoon superheroes before being transformed into the dark, brooding, badass characters we see on big screen.

Some may think it’s a little odd that gritty kids’ media adaptations are successful, but the real question is, why do they succeed? Well, we have to recognize that nostalgic media is something that Hollywood has been cashing in on for generations, and it doesn’t look like it’s going to be used for major profit making anytime soon. Think franchises like Stranger Things, with its ’80s quirks, or the recent revival of Nickelodeon’s 2000s classic, iCarly. Both shows rely heavily on the audience they know tunes in to reminisce about simpler times from their childhoods.

At the heart of these adaptations is always the desire to give people the impression that things are as before. It’s a payday for major movie companies to revive a franchise they know their audiences know, so why not continue with these easy money makers?

But who knows? Maybe your childhood favorite is on the slate for a twisted live-action adaptation soon. In the era of Michael Bay’s Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle movies, anything is possible.




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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