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Arjun Rampal says his daughter Mahikaa will join BollywoodExclusive

Arjun Rampal says his daughter Mahikaa will join BollywoodExclusive


Arjun Rampal, who was recently seen in Crakk, revealed something interesting regarding the future of his daughter, Mahikaa Rampal, to The teenager expressed her keen interest in pursuing an acting career, following in her father's footsteps.

Arjun Rampal, known for his versatile roles in the film industry, shared the exciting news in a recent interview. He highlighted Mahikaa's passion and dedication towards the world of theatre.

Speaking exclusively to, Arjun proudly announced that his daughter has ambitions to follow in his footsteps: “Mahikaa, my elder daughter, is very enthusiastic about becoming an actress. She has always had that in her . Since school, she would act in plays, she would have cute roles to play and she would be really good at it. She was always an artist and a bit of a clown, at home.”

“You kind of see that, because even I was like that when I was a kid. You kind of want to be the center of attraction, that's how you know'he will become an actor (She will become an actress). Plus, she studied everything, she took a complete course. She went to the Met Film School in London and graduated from there, which is what I told her to do and see every aspect of how a film is made. It's really lovely there because there's this place called “Ealing Studios”, where the whole campus is set up in there. They teach you everything from writing, directing, producing, editing and acting, to being a gaffer, to cameraman, to lighting, everything. So one day you're holding the boom, and one day you're doing the set design. The other day you were directing. So, you kind of learn everything and you respect everything,” Arjun added.

When asked if Arjun shared any advice with Mahikaa, he said, “I told her that it is not an easy job and she is a very mature and sensible girl. She replied, 'J 'have seen what your careers are like when things are'. It's not going well, the sadness, the depression, the lows that come with it, and I've seen the highs too. But I want to do it just because I I love it. I love it. So I said that's the most important thing, if you have your heart in it and you really love it and you're going to be honest with it and you can continue this relationship with your career at this level, then you will do something special… But you have to train and work hard.”

“I didn't understand that. I can give it to you. I can give you advice from everything I've learned. I can share my wisdom with you because I've been through things. But the journey will be yours. It will be a journey and it is not a journey filled with people. It is a journey of solitude. It is a journey of a lot of introspection and internalization of a lot of things and you must walk that path. If you go for the glamour, the big trailers, or having a lot of followers and a lot of this and that, you're going to make yourself very unhappy and I think she understands that,” Arjun told us Rampal.

He continued, “I think she still hasn't made her Instagram account public and she is focused on what she wants to do. She has worked very hard on herself. She came to Goa to spending two months with me there because she just wanted to train with me at the gym. It sounds easy but being with a dad like me who will wake you up at 5:00 a.m. and take you for a run then throw you in cold water to swim and then make you sprint on the treadmill again, then do weights, then cut back on your food. I think some love was lost there. She totally understands. I remember when she first came and tried to do a plank, she didn't last 15 seconds, and now she can last about four minutes and that happened in three months, and It doesn't matter who can do it. As long as you apply yourself,” the actor signed off.

On the work front, Arjun Rampal is currently starring in Crakk as an antagonist. He has 3 Monkeys and Nastik in the works.

Published by:

Anvita Singh

Published on:

February 23, 2024




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