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Actor Pierce Brosnan fined for walking through spa area in Yellowstone National Park

Actor Pierce Brosnan fined for walking through spa area in Yellowstone National Park


Pierce Brosnan attends the UK premiere of 'Black Adam' at Cineworld Leicester Square on October 18, 2022, in London, England. (Shutterstock)

CHEYENNE, Wyo. Irish actor Pierce Brosnan, 70, must pay several fines after wandering into a prohibited thermal area of ​​Yellowstone National Park in early November.

Brosnan was fined $500 and ordered to pay a $1,000 community service payment to the Yellowstone Forever Geological Fund, a $30 court processing fee and a $10 special assessment. U.S. Magistrate Judge Stephanie A. Hambrick handed down the sentence March 14 in Mammoth.

Brosnan, widely recognized for playing the character James Bond in the 1990s and early 2000s, pleaded guilty to traveling on foot in a spa area. According to court documents, Brosnan uploaded photos to his Instagram page of himself standing on a Yellowstone National Park thermal feature in Mammoth Hot Springs around November 1. Signs are posted around the area warning visitors of the dangers of thermal features. Signs indicate that visitors should stay on designated boardwalks and trails.

The U.S. Attorney's Office asked the court to sentence Brosnan to two years of probation and a fine of up to $5,000.

The National Park Service reminds visitors to Yellowstone that the soil in thermal areas is fragile and thin and the boiling water lies just below the surface. Therefore, intrusion into thermal features is dangerous and can harm the park's delicate natural resources. Additionally, the park was created primarily to protect these hydrothermal zones. The NPS encourages visitors to exercise extreme caution for thermal features by remaining on boardwalks and trails.

The NPS also urges people to protect themselves and the fragile environment by taking the Yellowstone Pledge: to act responsibly and safely and to set a good example for others. Anyone who sees another person acting in a way that could harm them, others, or the park should alert a park ranger.

For more information about Yellowstone National Park, contact the Public Affairs Office at 307-344-2015 or [email protected].

This case was investigated by the National Park Service and prosecuted by Assistant United States Attorney Ariel Calmes.




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