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Conor McGregor reveals Road House earnings

Conor McGregor reveals Road House earnings


Strong points

  • Conor McGregor has once again broken financial records, becoming the first highest-paid actor in history, surpassing Dwayne Johnson's milestone, according to the Irishman.
  • If true, that means McGregor is now the highest-paid UFC fighter in history, the highest-paid rookie boxer in history, and the highest-paid rookie actor.
  • Notorious made hundreds of millions from his one and only boxing fight against Floyd Mayweather.

Conor 'The Notorious' McGregor made his acting debut in the recent remake of the classic film Road House, alongside Jake Gyllenhaal, and he has now revealed how much money he made from the role.

Mystic Mac revealed in a recent interview that he is the highest paid debut actor in history, earning over £4million for the role. The Irishman claimed to have beaten WWE star Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson in his first acting role to £4.3million in 2001's The Mummy Returns.

He tweeted: “What did you think of the trailer for my first acting film? A hell of a ride! I am now officially the highest-paid rookie actor of all time, beating out Dwayne Johnson for the top spot. Amazing!” He has since deleted the tweet, however, something he has a history with.

Video: Road House trailer

Record finances for Conor McGregor

The Irishman is the highest-paid UFC fighter and highest-paid boxing debutant

This is not the first time that McGregor has achieved monetary records with his debut in a field. In 2017, he made his boxing debut in one of the most anticipated debuts of all time against Floyd “Money” Mayweather. This clash saw some of the most entertaining press conferences as well as some high profile trash talk between the two.

This fight reportedly earned McGregor a remarkable $130 million, making him not only the highest-paid debutant, but also the fourth highest-paid boxer for a single fight. This highlighted both fighters' incredible abilities to market a fight.

For someone who had never boxed before, to be able to generate such enthusiasm and traction against an icon of the sport is remarkable and shows the talent and genius he is acquiring.

Conor McGregor vs. Floyd Mayweather

Absence of Conor McGregor from the UFC

The Irishman has been out of action in the UFC since breaking his leg in July 2021 during his fight against Dustin Poirier at UFC 264. However, he still comfortably holds the title of highest-paid fighter of the history of the company.

The former UFC champion is easily the most famous name to ever come out of the business. Combining his personality and trash-talking abilities, he remains one of the most sought-after athletes to watch. Every time he steps into the Octagon, his purse is almost always guaranteed to increase.


Jake Paul reacts to Donald Cerrone's purse for Conor McGregor fight

In a recent interview, Donald Cerrone revealed how much he was paid to fight Conor McGregor, and Jake Paul is apparently furious about it.

He is reported to have earned $39,300,000 for his time in the UFC, beating Khabib Nurmagomedov into second place by over $16,400,000. You could combine the second and third highest paid and they would still be less than what McGregor earned.

Conor McGregor vs. Donald Cerrone

This isn't all that surprising since Conor McGregor was instrumental in helping the UFC reach this next level of viewership and did a lot for the sport. Even with his current inactivity and poor form, undeniably, if McGregor were announced as being on the next card, he would instantly be the main event and contribute hundreds of thousands, if not more, in additional pay-per-views. purchases.

In every field he entered, he produced astonishing, game-changing results. Will his acting debut follow?

The key statistic is taken from




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