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Happy Birthday Emraan Hashmi: 8 Films That Made Him A Bollywood Idol

Happy Birthday Emraan Hashmi: 8 Films That Made Him A Bollywood Idol


published by: Vinod Essay

Last update: March 24, 2024, 07:00 IST

Emraan talks about Jannat 3.

Emraan talks about Jannat 3.

Over two decades, Emraan Hashmi has continued to evolve as an actor, going from being a 'serial kisser' to a multi-talented actor. Known for his unconventional looks and intense performances, the actor has left an indelible mark on Hindi cinema.

Breaking the mold of Bollywood, Emraan Hashmi was a game changer in the early 2000s and reshaped the Hindi film industry with his unique style and skills. Over two decades, he continually evolved as an actor, going from a serial kisser to a multi-talented actor. Known for his unconventional looks and intense performances, Emraan has left an indelible mark on Hindi cinema. From playing complex characters to delivering memorable performances, he has garnered appreciation from audiences and critics alike.

Emraan Hashmi was recently seen in Tiger 3 also starring Salman Khan and Katrina Kaif.

As the Bollywood heartthrob celebrates his 45th birthday, it's the perfect opportunity to revisit some of his finest works. On the occasion of the actors' birthday, here's a look at 8 of Emraan Hashmis' notable films that have impressed audiences so far.

  1. Once upon a time in MumbaiEmraan Hashmi impressed the audience with his role as Shoaib Khan, a character loosely based on Dawood Ibrahim in this gangster film. The film earned him awards and praise. The actor showed his abilities and brought depth to the film's storyline.
  2. AwarapanDespite performing poorly at the box office upon release, the film has gained cult status over the years, largely due to Hashmi's realistic and strong performance which resonated well with audiences.
  3. BanditEmraan Hashmis' performance as a charming yet mysterious gangster earned him a Filmfare Award nomination for Best Performance in a Negative Role. While Kangana Ranaut and Shiney Ahuja played their roles well, Emraan stood out among all.
  4. HeavenThe romantic crime film directed by Kunal Deshmukh became a turning point in Emraan Hashmis' career. Although the actor played a flawed character, embroiled in a match-fixing scandal, it was his performance that made audiences fall in love with him as an actor.
  5. The dirty pictureIn this biopic based on the life of controversial actress Silk Smitha, Emraan Hashmi delivered a stunning performance as a director who hates Silk (played by Vidya Balan) but ends up falling in love with her.
  6. MurderDirected by Anurag Basu, this erotic thriller lured audiences to theaters for Emraan Hashmis' bold and steamy chemistry with Mallika Sherawat. Moreover, the film also became successful due to its memorable songs.
  7. ShanghaiWhile Bollywood filmmakers mostly stay away from political thrillers, Shanghai received critical acclaim for its gripping storyline and top-notch performances from the actors, particularly Emraan Hashmi, who added depth to the story of the film and showed the path traveled by the actor.
  8. Story of Hamari AdhuriDirected by Mohit Suri, this romantic drama starred Emraan Hashmi in a mature and emotional role, which earned him praise for his performance. On the other hand, his chemistry with Vidya Balan was appreciated by both the audience and critics.




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