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10 Acting Duos We Want To See Work Together Again

10 Acting Duos We Want To See Work Together Again



  • Rachel Sennott and Ayo Edebiri in a school gymnasium in Bottoms

    The chemistry between Ryan Gosling and Emma Stone in La La Land is unforgettable, leading to acclaim and nominations.

  • Adam Sandler and Drew Barrymore's off-screen friendship strengthens their on-screen chemistry in the films.
  • The comedic talents of Ayo Edebiri and Rachel Sennott shine in Bottoms, leaving audiences eager for their next collaboration.

In Hollywood, acting duos have the potential to bring out the best in each other, making audiences want to see more of both actors. Some acting duos have worked together multiple times, like Ryan Gosling and Emma Stone, and have become known and loved because of it. Other duos, like Adam Sandler and Drew Barrymore, have been working together for years, forming an off-screen friendship that helps create remarkable on-screen chemistry.

However, other acting duos have only collaborated once, but have been always managed to present a compatible creative relationship that audiences might not have thought would work. Regardless of their history or the number of joint projects, these actors have formed memorable duos. Their collaborative efforts were praised by critics and audiences, raising hopes for future collaborations.


15 Absolutely Perfect Acting Duos

These acting duos have perfect chemistry, while incredible writers and directors provide them with brilliant scripts and the flexibility to improvise.

ten Drew Barrymore and Adam Sandler

Best known for The Wedding Singer

Adam Sandler and Drew Barrymore smiling in The Wedding Singer

Drew Barrymore is one of Adam Sandler's many famous collaborators in the industry. Barrymore and Sandler have worked together three times, their first and most successful collaboration being the 1998 film, The wedding singer. The romantic tone of the film is endearing and the comedic elements are considered among Sandler's best.

The wedding singer
is the best example of why Barrymore and Sandler make a great duo.

Tonal excellence and balance in The wedding singer is the best example of why Barrymore and Sandler make a great duo. They bring out the best in each other, with Barrymore often brings a unique charm to Sandler's projects that couldn't be achieved by another actress. Despite their last collaboration, Blendwas not as successful, the two are overdue for another project together.

9 Saoirse Ronan & Timothée Chalamet

Best known for Lady Bird

An acting duo that has only debuted in recent years is that of Saoirse Ronan and Timothée Chalamet. Ronan and Chalamet met on the set of Greta Gerwig. Lady Birdmeeting again a few years later for Gerwig's Little woman. In each film, the two are each other's romantic counterparts, effortlessly portraying a sense of nostalgia for each other, with Ronan being the main character in Lady Bird and Chalamet as Laurie in Little woman. Chalamet and Ronan's real-life friendship is evident in their on-screen workwhich prevents the public from saying no to another collaboration.

8 Ayo Deutero and Rachel Sennott

Bottom (2023)

Rachel Sennott and Ayo Edebiri in a school gymnasium in Bottoms

Following the success of Emma Seligman's film Down, another collaboration between the main actors of the film is necessary. Ayo Edebiri and Rachel Sennott are a great example of actors with a film together that proves to audiences that they are a dynamic duo. Edebiri and Sennott previously worked together on the Comedy Central series, Ayo and Rachel are singlebut Down brought their combined comedic talent to a wider audience. Edebiri and Sennott's individual careers have developed rapidly in recent years, so upcoming projects put another immediate collaboration between the two on hold, but it's likely the wait will be worth it.

7 Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Seth Rogen

Best known for 50/50

Kyle grimaces while Adam shaves his head 50/50

Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Seth Rogen have been working together for a few years now, so another project with the two is needed. Gordon-Levitt and Rogen's most successful collaboration also happens to be their first. In the 2011 film, 50/50, the two play best friends, Adam (Gordon-Levitt) and Kyle (Rogen). The film follows Adam's journey through cancer, bringing out a dramatic side of Rogen, a rarity for the famous comedic actor. The duo was able to pool skills that are not often associated with their work, as shown in their other collaborations, The night before.


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6 Emily Blunt and Meryl Streep

Best known for The Devil Wears Prada

Emily Blunt and Meryl Streep's reunion at the SAG Awards recalled their most memorable and beloved collaboration. The two men, alongside Anne Hathaway, starred in The devil wears Prada with Blunt playing an assistant to Streep's character. Following The devil wears Prada, Blunt and Streep would find themselves working together in similar and opposite roles in In the woods And Mary Poppins Returns. In each film, the duo plays characters with contradictory histories or personalities, even if their differences are slighter in Mary Poppins Returns with Streep playing Mary Poppins' eccentric and fun-loving cousin.

5 Adam Driver and Channing Tatum

Lucky Logan (2017)

Adam Driver and Channing Tatum talk.

Adam Driver and Channing Tatum have only worked alongside each other in one film, Lucky Logan. The duo fits perfectly into the film's fast-paced and rewarding storyline as Driver and Tatum can exploit talents not often seen in other projects. Although this is not surprising to Tatum, since he has worked with Lucky LoganBefore director Steven Soderbergh, Driver's comedic side, while controlled in the film, is not often seen in his filmography. Another collaboration between Tatum and Driver would not only be entertaining, but also a change from the latter's recent run of mostly dramatic roles.

4 Keira Knightley and Matthew Macfadyen

Best known for Pride and Prejudice

Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth in Pride and Prejudice

As a duo, Keira Knightley and Matthew Macfadyen are best known for their roles as Elizabeth Bennet and Mr. Darcy in the 2005 adaptation of Pride and Prejudice. Knightley and Macfadyen, as the main characters, are often considered by many to be the best due to their chemistry with each other and their individual performances. Their following collaborations, Anna Karenina And The Nutcracker and the Four Realmsfind the duo in different relationship dynamics, but their compatible talents shine through. It's unclear where either actor prefers to go in future projects, but a reunion between the two would be welcomed by fans.

3 Anne Hathaway and Jake Gyllenhaal

Best known for Brokeback Mountain

Jake Gyllenhaal and Anne Hathaway dance together.

Having played couples in two films together, Anne Hathaway and Jake Gyllenhaal's success as a duo has seen both ends of the spectrum. Although the relationship described in Brokeback Mountain which has been acclaimed in the long run between Jack (Gyllenhaal) and Ennis (Heath Ledger), Hathaway's character Lureen always played a crucial role in the film. On the other hand, the relationship between Gyllenhaal and Hathaway in Love and other drugs received mixed reviews from critics, with many stating that the film seems messy. Recent reports indicate that Gyllenhaal and Hathaway are being eyed to star in Beef season 2, offering the opportunity for a strong comeback as a duo.

2 Ryan Gosling and Emma Stone

Best known for La La Land

The partnership between Ryan Gosling and Emma Stone resulted in memorable performances from both, ultimately leading to Academy Award nominations for their lead roles. As a duo, Stone and Gosling's films are sure to showcase their on-screen chemistry.whether it be light and comical, as in Crazy, stupid, loveor in a serious setting as in Gangster Squad. Stone and Gosling's performances in the latter were a highlight for many audiences and critics in an otherwise lackluster film.

Another collaboration between Stone and Gosling would be a treat for fans, especially after the great years they each had.

However, their talent as a duo is most evident in the 2016 film, La La Land. That of the duo the depiction of aspiring artists falling in love and experiencing all the complications that come with it is extremely well done and it is difficult to imagine other actors in their place. Another collaboration between Stone and Gosling would be a treat for fans, especially after the great years they each had.

While Emma Stone and Ryan Gosling were nominated for their roles in
La La Land
only Emma won.

1 Winston Duke and Lupita Nyong'o

Known best to us

Winston Duke holds Lupita Nyong'o as they stand opposite each other.

Before their first film together, Winston Duke and Lupita Nyong'o met at Yale. Years later, they both starred in the Black Panther the films and those of Jordan Peele, We. In We, Duke and Nyong'o delivered brilliant performances as Adelaide and Gabe, as well as their doppelgangers. They don't spend much time together on screen. Black Panther Or Black Panther: Wakanda Forever, but their stories are still linked. The story and connection between Nyong'o and Duke make for a powerful duo worthy of a film that highlights their real-life friendship.




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