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NCBA Bank joins Indian community for Holi festival celebrations as famous Bollywood singers shine

NCBA Bank joins Indian community for Holi festival celebrations as famous Bollywood singers shine


In the lush green grounds of Kampala Parents' School, a tapestry of color awaited as the Ugandan Indian community, supported by a diverse group of participants, came together to herald the arrival of spring with the exuberant Holi festival.

The event, a vibrant celebration of the victory of virtue over vice, attracted participants from all walks of life, eager to participate in the joy and unity that the festival symbolizes.

The evening's festivities were sparked by the captivating entry of Miss India Uganda, whose performance set the stage for an evening full of cultural exchange and festivities.

Miss Little India Uganda soon followed, delivering a series of shows celebrating the intricate beauty of Indian heritage, each dancing like a brushstroke in the larger picture of tradition and modernity.

As the clock struck 8:46 p.m., the night sky ignited with a spectacular fireworks display, courtesy of NCBA Bank Uganda.

The long-time patron of Uganda's Indian community chose this moment to officially inaugurate the festival, with brilliant pyrotechnics symbolizing the surge of joy and renewal that Holi represents.

The event space vibrated with Bollywood energy as the Abakari Group took to the stage, blending traditional Indian dance and contemporary rhythms in a fusion show that captivated the audience.

Their dynamic routine was a highlight of the evening, embodying the festival's spirit of innovation and cultural pride.

Yet it was Prankchu's performance, portraying a valiant Indian warrior through acrobatics and spirited dance, that truly captivated the audience, bringing to life the themes of courage and perseverance that are at the heart of Indian storytelling.

This celebration, a collaboration between the East Indian Cultural Association and the Uganda Indian Association, is a testament to the strength and warmth of community bonds woven across diverse cultural backgrounds.

The festivities began the day before with a welcome event at the Fairway Hotel, setting the stage for the community joy that was to unfold.

As the evening progressed, the air was filled with the enchanting melodies of famous Indian singers Sharib and Toshi, their performances weaving a spell of harmony and celebration that inspired the crowd to dance and rejoice in this moment of bliss sharing.

A poignant moment of the evening was the speech by Olivia Mugaba, Head of Corporate Banking at NCBA Bank.

She expressed gratitude for the bank's involvement in the festival, highlighting its dedication to supporting the Indian community with specialized financial services.

Joined by colleagues from the NCBA, she wished a memorable evening of joy and music.

The evening was further enhanced by the presence of Aditi, who brought an air of sweetness and innocence to the festivities, captivating the audience with her charm.

The Indian ambassadors' closing remarks highlighted the festival's central message of love, unity and the triumph of good over evil, echoing the ancient tale of Holika and Prahlad.

He highlighted the enduring relevance of this story to the spirit of the festival, inspiring participants to carry on its values ​​of courage, faith and community harmony.

Thus, the night ended, leaving a lasting impression of the true essence of Holi: a celebration not only of seasonal change, but of the power of love and unity to overcome adversity, beautifully illustrated by the rich tapestry of color, music, and shared joy.




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