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7 Must-Have Versatile Accessories As Seen On Your Favorite Bollywood Celebrities

7 Must-Have Versatile Accessories As Seen On Your Favorite Bollywood Celebrities


Accessories have the power to make or break your look. If selected well, accessories can transform your look from a simple outfit into a trendy ensemble. I sincerely believe that the key to a well put together outfit lies in the accessories chosen. If you're someone who dresses up often, here's a list of 7 must-have power accessories and how your favorite celebrities wear them.

1. Structured Handbags:

Structured handbags are both stylish and practical, making the perfect accessories to complete your look. Opt for a timeless tote, stylish satchel or chic clutch in a versatile neutral hue or a vibrant pop of color. Choose a handbag with clean lines and quality craftsmanship for a polished finishing touch.

Khushi Kapoor, our in-house Betty Cooper, wore this structured style Dior bag with minimal jewelry and a basic white dress to give the bag its moment.

2. Fashion Necklaces:

A bold necklace is a game-changer for any outfit, instantly grabbing attention and adding drama. Whether it's a chunky statement necklace, a dazzling pendant, or a layered chain, invest in a statement necklace that reflects your style and complements your wardrobe.

Alia Bhatt wore this chic black Gucci look and let her jewelry stand out with this statement necklace.

3. Statement Earrings:

Make a statement with your earrings by opting for bold, eye-catching designs that grab attention. Whether you prefer oversized hoop earrings, chandelier earrings, or geometric studs, choose earrings that add personality and style to your ensemble. Don't be afraid to mix styles to create a unique look that reflects your individuality.

Ananya Panday wore this iconic Rahul Mishra look at Lakme Fashion Week paired with these one-of-a-kind earrings.

4. Classic Watches:

Classic watches are timeless accessories that add sophistication and elegance to any outfit. Opt for a sleek stainless steel or leather strap watch with a minimalist design for a versatile look that transitions seamlessly from day to night. Invest in a high-quality watch that reflects your style and stands the test of time.

Deepika Padukone posted this aesthetic and blurry photo of her wrist adorned with a Cartier battery. But what stood out was his classic Cartier watch.

5. Chic Scarves:

Scarves are versatile accessories that can be worn in a variety of ways to add color, texture and interest to your outfit. Invest in a collection of lightweight silk scarves, cozy knit scarves and trendy printed designs to mix and match with different looks. Whether draped around the neck, tied like a scarf or worn like a belt, scarves are a must-have accessory for any fashion enthusiast.

Deepika wore this iconic accessory-rich look from Sabyasachi's Tropic of Calcutta collection to the Cannes Film Festival. Her scarf was the added bonus that elevated the outfit.


6. Sunglasses:

A stylish pair of sunglasses not only adds instant glamor to your look, but also provides essential sun protection. Choose sunglasses that flatter your face shape and complement your style, whether they're oversized cat-eye frames, retro round lenses, or classic aviators. Invest in a quality pair of sunglasses with UV protection to protect your eyes while looking effortlessly chic.

Bhumi Pednekar wore them jeweled sunglasses with a saree, and I think it's safe to say she rocked the look.

7. Belts:

Belts are more than just practical accessories; they are stylish accents that cinch your waist and add definition to your figure. Invest in a collection of classic leather belts in neutral tones, as well as trendy styles with bold buckles or embellishments for added style. Whether worn with dresses, skirts or pants, belts are a versatile accessory that adds refinement and sophistication to any outfit.

Kriti Sanon wore this bold red look with knee-high boots from Michael Kors. The brown belt was the ultimate accessory that really stood out against the classic red.




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