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Get Inspired by These Bollywood Celebrities' Ethnic Looks for Traditional Celebrations

Get Inspired by These Bollywood Celebrities' Ethnic Looks for Traditional Celebrations


Gudi Padwa 2024: Bollywood stars often stun at festivals with their stunning choices of ethnic outfits. With their flawless sense of style, they set trends and showcase the richness of Indian culture, inspiring millions with their traditional outfits. Bollywood stars gracefully sport a wide range of ethnic costumes, accessorizing them with bold jewelry and accessories, from sophisticated saris to exquisitely embroidered lehengas. At the same time, attractive men wear chic sherwanis or kurtas paired with elegant juttis or mojaris, radiating elegance and grace.

Bollywood stars encourage fashion fans around the world to embrace and celebrate traditional Indian clothing with pride and elegance by serving as fashion icons through their glitzy appearances, which also honor the spirit of Gudi Padwa. So make this year's Gudi Padwa even more special by looking like your favorite B-Town actress.

Rashmika Mandanna wore a blush pink saree adorned with mirrored borders, silver crystals and floral motifs. She accessorized it simply and wore it with a matching blouse. Rashmika's rosy pink makeup, which included smudged smokey eyes, mauve lips and sculpted cheekbones, made her look more sophisticated.

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Sanya Malhotra adopted a desi Barbiecore style by wearing a hot pink saree with sequins. She accessorized it with a green and emerald choker necklace, cutout sleeves and a loose top. Sanya wore winged eyeliner, blush, matte pink lipstick, floaty eyes and a sleek updo for a fresh pink appearance.

Ananya Panday wore an elegant six yard saree with mirror and pearl embellishments, teamed with a pearl and mirror blouse. She accessorized the saree with studs, a matching choker, a square collar shirt and silky hair styled in a low bun adorned with white roses.

Sara Ali Khan looked stunning in a white saree with tiny floral designs. The structured petticoat and floral colors adorned the pleated saree. She accessorized her saree with pink-glam makeup and a multi-colored checkered blouse. Her ethnic ensemble was complemented by modern jewelry and beautifully styled hair.

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Tamannaah Bhatia is dressed in an emerald green saree. The House of Masaba pre-draped dress features intricately gathered details and gold embellishments. For a stunning ensemble, Tamannaah accessorized the saree with a sleek center part hairstyle, gold earrings and a tube blouse with backless style straps.




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