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Feature film: the Strain sisters' calling card in the entertainment industry


Kat and Karissa Strain have poured their heart and soul into making a feature film in Chatham and are now nervously waiting to see if it will make it to one of North America's top film festivals.

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Kat and Karissa Strain have poured their heart and soul into making a feature film in Chatham and are now nervously waiting to see if it will make it to one of North America's top film festivals.

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The Chatham twins, 33, submitted Call of the Blackbird to the Toronto International Film Festival.

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They've actually submitted it to about 20 festivals, but first want to hear from TIFF, which won't consider films that have been shown elsewhere. TIFF's decision is expected in mid-August.

“Whether we are admitted or not, we cannot play with other selections until this one is adopted,” Karissa said.

It might be a long shot, but we also know that festivals like this hold space for first-time filmmakers who have an interesting eye for storytelling, Kat said. We hope they see our (film) and think: This is interesting and unique.

It's a fictional tale based on their real-life experiences growing up in Chatham and entering the film industry, Karissa said, told in a poetic and artistic way that differs from standard dramas.

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The twins have enjoyed some cinematic success, most notably playing evil twins Nikki and Lizzy in the 2013 remake of the horror classic, Carrie. They also starred in the 2018 horror film, Twinsanity.

The Strains returned home about three years ago and went into real estate, but their desire to work in entertainment is stronger than ever and has expanded into writing, directing and directing. film production. They created Sisters Strain Films to make films highlighting the female experience.

They have written several feature films, including a horror film that they are actively pitching, they said. But the industry wants to see what it can do before committing to a big budget.

Call of the Blackbird is their calling card, Kat said.

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I am extremely proud of what we have been able to do with our limited resources and funds, she said.

They invested $40,000 of their own money into the project, which is unheard of to produce a feature film, especially with a two-person production team.

Twin sisters, Strain, film Blackbird Calls
Poster for the film Call of the Blackbird, a feature film written, directed and produced by Kat and Karissa Strain, who also star in the film. (Provided) jpg, CD, apsmc

Although it was stressful to put together a feature film in 14 days of filming, while also acting, directing, producing and even arranging catering for the crew, it was a great learning experience, said the twins.

The biggest lesson was learning how to build a team to fill all the roles needed to make a feature film. . . , Kat said. We had a lot of fun and found the right people to support us and bring the skills we didn't have.

They also took a leap of faith by incorporating their own poetry and music into the film, Karissa said. About half the film is a visual vignette devoted to their poetry, and they felt a little vulnerable releasing it for the first time.

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They also have a full soundtrack with eight original songs, Kat said.

Having taken the plunge, the twins plan to publish their poetry before the screening of the film.

By July 21, on their birthday, they will each have two individual poetry collections and a compilation of poetry from the film on sale.

Pending TIFF's response, the Strains plan to hold a local premiere of the film later this year.

I think a lot of people will come and see many of the faces and places they know and love about the city, Kat said.

For more information, visit or contact them at [email protected] or @sistersstrain on Instagram.

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