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Josh Gad will direct, Paul Walter Hauser will star

Josh Gad will direct, Paul Walter Hauser will star


Chris Farley – the legendary comedy actor behind Tommy boy and countless Saturday Night Live performances – gets the biopic treatment.

Emmy winner Paul Walter Hauser will star in the project helmed by actor and filmmaker Josh Gad. Saturday Night Live patriarch Lorne Michaels will produce via his Broadway video banner.

The screenplay will be written by sought-after duo Scott Neustadter and Michael H. Weber based on the New York Times bestselling biography The Chris Farley Show: a biography in three acts by Tom Farley Jr. and Tanner Colby.

The project, currently under development in the city, has the blessing of the Farley family.

Farley rose to fame as a player on Saturday Night Live alongside actors Adam Sandler and David Spade, known for his energetic and physical performances. Famous for sketches that saw him play Bill Swerski's Superfans (“da Bears!”), an overzealous motivational speaker (“living in a van by the river!”) and an aspiring Chippendales dancer, Farley transformed his late-night fame into a comedy. film career which included Tommy boy And Beverly Hills Ninja. Farley, who fought a long battle with addiction, died in 1997. He was 33.

Hauser has previously spoken about his desire to play Farley, saying The Hollywood Reporter that he even approached the Farley family about a potential project.

The actor, who is repped by CAA, Artists First and Schreck Rose, has broken out in feature films like Me, Tonya and director Clint Eastwood Richard Bijou, and recently won an Emmy and a Golden Globe for her role in the series Black bird. Next time, Hauser will be in the Pixar film Inside Out 2 and will appear opposite Matt Damon in Apple's The instigators from director Doug Liman.

Gad is the Broadway superstar in musicals like Book of Mormon and, more recently, Gutenberg!as well as an animated musical Frozen. His screen work includes The beauty and the Beast And Murder on the Orient Express. He is represented by CAA, Sugar 23 and Johnson Shapiro.

Neustadter and Weber, reprinted by UTA and Kaplan/Perrone, popular book most recently adapted Daisy Jones and the Six in the Emmy Award-winning Amazon series of the same name. Their feature credits include 500 days of summer, The spectacular nowAnd The disaster artist.

Farley and Colby are represented by Verve; Broadway Video is represented by CAA.




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