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Where to Celebrate Bellingham Beer Week With Kids and Pets

Where to Celebrate Bellingham Beer Week With Kids and Pets


Bellingham Beer Week The year 2024 begins on Thursday April 18 and lasts until Sunday April 28, the next day April Beer Day. Most participating breweries and bars welcome both little ones and four-legged friends, with a few notable exceptions. Food options also vary by location.

If you're planning to grab a pint (or bite) with kids and/or dogs, we've saved you the phone call by putting together a list of places to go, whether you're bringing the whole family, your pup, or just you -even.

Family and dog friendly

If you want to pair your beer with a full meal, you can't go wrong with Aslan Brewery (1330 N. Forest Street) Or Boundary Bay Brewery (1107, avenue du chemin de fer). Both offer kid-friendly food, and dogs are allowed in the outdoor seating areas.

Brewery StructuresThe new Old Town location (601 W. Holly St.) caters to all ages with plenty of outdoor seating, plus (delicious) burgers and fries. Pigsty beer garden (1330 N State St.) serves German dishes like sausages and pretzels, and dogs and children are welcome.

Larrabee Lager Company (4151 Guide Meridian Road, Suite 100) is family-run and specializes in, you guessed it, pizza. Dogs are not allowed inside, but you can bring your pup out to the patio. The same applies to Otherworld Beer (2121 Humboldt St.), which serves Eastern European-style cuisine in a setting for all ages.

However Kulshan Sunnyland (2238 James Street) And Kulshan K2 (1538 Kentucky St.) do not have a kitchen, they have food trucks on site and welcome children and dogs. The same applies to Stemma Brewery (2039 Moore Street), Brewing of the threat (2529, rue Méridien), Walk around the brewery (1807 Dean Avenue) and Stones Throw Brewery (1009 Larrabee Avenue).

El Suenito BreweryThe property's (1926 Humboldt St.) shared picnic tables and half-pound tamales make it a solid choice for family dinners, and dogs are allowed on their large patio.

The brightly colored front entrance of El Sueito Brewing Company and Frelard Tamale, as a staff member, wipes down the tables.
El Sueito Brewing Company and Frelard Tamales at 1926 Humboldt St. in Bellingham's Sunnyland neighborhood. (Frank Catalano/Cascadia Daily News)

Flat Stick Pub (902 N. State St., Suite 105) is open to minors, but only until 9 p.m. Flatstick is also dog-friendly and serves snacks, salads and pizza.

Elisabeth Station (1400 W. Holly St., Suite 101) is a brewery/bottle shop, not a brewery, but it has one of the widest beer selections on this list. (Hint: The place also makes bad pizza.) Kids are allowed in and out, while dogs must stay on the patio.

Overflow taps is family-friendly at its Lynden (106 5th St. and 115 S. Duffner Drive, Suite E) and Barkley Village (2930 Newmarket St., Suite 117) locations. Dogs are allowed inside and outside of Barkley Village, but must stay on the Lynden patio. Overflow offers bar food including wings, pizza and tots.

Finally, Ponderosa Beer + Books (1225, avenue Roeder, suite 101) is dog and family friendly (with the exception of its mezzanine). It serves light snacks in addition to rotating food trucks on site most days.

Child friendly, no pets

Fountain brewing, located in Zeeks Pizza (2416 Meridian St.), does not allow dogs, but it has a family section separate from the bar, so feel free to bring the kids.

Extreme sports grill (4156 Meridian St.) welcomes minors but does not have an official dog policy, so animals are handled on a case-by-case basis. Extremes serves bar food ranging from barbecue and wings to pizza, burgers and fries.

21 years and over, pets allowed

Gruff Brewery (4156 Meridian Street) and Paws for a beer (501 Harris Ave.) are two of the most dog-friendly 21+ breweries in town. Gruff has had an on-site kitchen since late 2023 and Paws for a Beer has on-site food trucks.

Unlike the Old Town location, Brewery StructuresThe State Street Party Hall (1420 N. State St.) seats more than 21 people, but dogs (and cats) are welcome. Alas, this place doesn't serve burgers.

THE North Fork Barrel House Brewery and Beer Sanctuary (1900 Grant St., Suite 101) accepts dogs and people 21 and over, and does not serve food. If you want to bring the family, head down 542 to their original location (and grab a pizza while you're there).

Garden path fermentations Great Northern Bottle Shop and Show (1319 Commercial St.) allows dogs, although minors are not allowed and they do not serve food.

In the same way, Aslan's Depot (1322 N. State St.) is 21 and over and does not allow pets inside. Their patio is dog-friendly (but since it's not covered, it's best to save it for a sunny day). You can also order food from Aslans Brewery, located next door, and have it delivered to the Depot.

Classic Smash Burger from Aslan Brewing Company and waffle fries. (Hailey Hoffman/Cascadia Daily News)

21 years and over, no pets

In the grand scheme of things, there are relatively few breweries/beer bars that are closed to children. And pets. But if you're looking for a place to enjoy a beer surrounded only by adults, JUXT Taphouse (119 W. Holly St.), Archer Ale House (1212 10th Street) And Corner taphouse (1125 Finnegan Road, Suite 103) do not accept minors or dogs.

JUXT and Archer Ale House serve food, while Corner Taphouse partners with Filling Station for online ordering and easy pickup. They also offer free delivery from Maikham Thai.

Cocoa Laney is CDN's lifestyle editor; contact her at [email protected]; 360-922-3090 ext. 128.




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