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Popular Nollywood actor, Junior Pope, drowns while filming a movie

Popular Nollywood actor, Junior Pope, drowns while filming a movie


The Nigerian entertainment industry, Nollywood, has once again lost another popular actor: 39-year-old Junior Pope Odonwodo, popularly known as Jnr Pope. He died with three as yet unidentified actors.

The actor died on April 10, 2024 in a boat accident while filming a movie in Asaba, the capital of Delta State, south-south Nigeria.

His body was found and rushed to hospital, where he was later confirmed dead after initial reports said he was taken to the morgue where the attendant claimed the actor was still breathing.

The father of three young boys was then taken to hospital where he was later confirmed dead.

Shortly before the accident, Pope posted a short video clip in which he yelled at the driver to slow down.

In the video that went viral on his Instagram page, he enthusiastically warned the boat driver: “I'm alone with three children to take care of oooo, please slow down.

See me lament. The risk we take to entertain you; crossing the 9ja river yesterday without a life jacket. Na wahooooo, who does that?? Odonwodo captioned the post.

Many popular actors reacted to the news of these deaths, including

Yvonne Jegede, Ruby Ojiakor, May Yul-Edochie, the ex-wife of actor Yul Edochie; Tana Egbo-Adelana, Calista Okoronkwo and Chizoba Nwokoye.

I can not believe it. I don't want to believe it. I refuse to believe it. Who will ask me Who will do this the next time they see me?, wrote Yvonne.

Pope, originally from Enugu State, South East Nigeria but born in Cameroon, was married to Jennifer Awele and their union is blessed with three boys.

The National President of the Actors Guild of Nigeria, Emeka Rollas, confirmed the death and that the actor’s remains have been deposited at the morgue.

Rollas also confirmed that three bodies of crew members were yet to be recovered from the boat which capsized after colliding with another boat in the Niger River region.

Nollywood has been hit by numerous deaths of high-profile actors in 2024, including Mr Ibu and Sisi Quadri.

Veteran Yoruba actor Deji Aderemi, popularly known as Olofa Ina, died on January 4 at the age of 73.

According to reports, the comedian died of cancer in Lagos State.

Veteran actress Ethel Ekpe, who graced Nigerian entertainment cinema for years, passed away on February 7 in Lagos State.

Ekpe is well known for playing the role of Segi in the Nigerian Television Authority sitcom, Basi and Company. She died after a long battle with cancer.

Yoruba Nollywood actor, Tolani Quadri Oyebamiji, popularly known as Sisi Quadri, also died on March 1 at the age of 44.

Oyebamiji celebrated his 44th birthday on December 25, 2023.

A day after the demise of Sisi Quadris, news of the death of comic actor John Okafor, popular as Mr. Ibu, broke.

The actor, renowned for his comedic roles, died at the age of 62. This plunged his fans and colleagues into mourning.

Ibu was a quintessential comic figure destined to last as an individual. It exerts a great influence on the cultural and entertainment space of the country.

Three weeks after losing one of its comic actors to the throes of death, the Nigerian movie industry has lost another veteran actor, Amaechi Muonagor, to the cold hands of death.

Muonagor died on Sunday March 24, after a long battle with kidney disease.

This came days after a viral video in which he sought financial assistance from Nigerians to enable him to travel abroad for a kidney transplant.

Muonagor has appeared in dozens of films, including Aki and Paw Paw. This is one of his most famous roles, where he plays the father of two rambunctious and mischievous teenagers.

Nollywood actress, Adejumoke Oreoluwa Aderounmu, known for her role as Esther in the popular television series Jenifas Diary, died on Sunday, March 7.

Adeola Aderounmu, the actress's brother, announced her passing through his Instagram story on Sunday.

Aderounmu began her professional acting career in the film Arugba, produced by Tunde Kelani in 2008, alongside Bukky Wright, Bukola Awoyemi and Segun Adefila.




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