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The William Magee Center offers students drug rehab

The William Magee Center offers students drug rehab


The sober tent at the Ole Miss Collegiate Recovery Community tailgate in the Grove on September 24, 2022. Photo courtesy of Mason Glaze.

For many students, substance use may seem like relief for common college ailments like social anxiety and stress. But where should students turn if substance use turns to abuse?

The William Magee Center was founded on campus in September 2019 following the death of William Magee, a student who died of an accidental drug overdose. The institute provides students with the resources necessary for success and mental stability throughout their academic careers.

Mason Glaze has spent the last few months working alongside students in the recovery process as a graduate assistant for the Collegiate Recovery Community. Glaze also held a similar position at Mississippi State University, and he was surprised when he moved to the University of Mississippi.

It's just a different culture. I've been to several college campuses in my life, and there hasn't been one that lives and breathes the party atmosphere (like Ole Miss), Glaze said. Harder substances are so easily accessible.

In 2021, in Mississippi, there were 28.4 overdose deaths per 100,000 residents. The national average that same year was 32.4 deaths per 100,000 standard population, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

For those on the UM campus struggling with addiction, help is available. The Collegiate Recovery Community and the William Magee Center have collaborated to create a wealth of confidential resources for affected students.

I think across the board these resources and organizations should be connected to the William Magee Center, the Counseling Center (UM). We should have every ability to quickly engage with a student in any capacity, Glaze said. (We can) help them, find someone else who can, because we have so many abundant resources to help students, and I just don't think students are using them.

The UM Counseling Center offers individual counseling for people struggling with substance abuse. The center can be reached at (662) 915-3784 to make an appointment.

The Daily Mississippian contacted the counseling center for further comment on the services it provides and the state of substance abuse on UM's campus, but representatives from the center declined to respond.

One student, who wished to remain anonymous, shared his thoughts on campus wellness centers and what they have to offer.

I think they provide a wonderful resource for students who are struggling with, have struggled with, or have families struggling with addiction to (have) a place where they can get support in those circumstances and a safe and free from temptations, they said. I think one of the best ways to show students this resource is to let people know that this is a safe, judgment-free space where students won't get in trouble for past actions or current.

The Collegiate Recovery Community and William Magee Center also educate students about the realities of addiction and what they can do to help.

It's all about education, Glaze said. It is important. And it's as simple as saying: Don't take pills that aren't prescribed for you. It's as simple as learning about harm reduction.

Much of this harm reduction relies on Narcan training.

Narcan, also known as naloxone, is a nasal spray used to treat opioid overdoses. When administered correctly, it can reverse the effects of an overdose, allowing time to get the victim to the hospital. Narcan, a nasal spray, is easy to administer and can be requested free from the Mississippi Department of Health or acquired over the counter.

We were successful last semester in introducing Narcan to every fraternity, every sorority on campus, which is a huge deal. Universities across the South have been trying to do this for almost two years or more, Glaze said.

Glaze says honesty and openness are essential steps to beginning any recovery journey.

Just talk to people. I think one of the biggest problems is that people tell medical professionals or mental health professionals half the story, and so they will give you half the answers, Glaze said. If you don't tell them everything, they can't give you the appropriate help.




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