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Tech CEO accused of enslaving woman accuses Hollywood lawyer of extortion

Tech CEO accused of enslaving woman accuses Hollywood lawyer of extortion


A former Bay Area CEO accused in a lawsuit of enslaving his assistant and sending her into a dark abyss of unwanted sexual horror now alleges that the woman's high-profile Hollywood lawyer threatened to tell the woman's story to celebrity gossip site TMZ if he did. does not pay him $10 million – on top of money he had already paid in a legal settlement.

The exact amount that Christian Lanng, former CEO of the software company Tradeshift he co-founded in 2010, paid in a legal settlement to the former assistant identified in court filings as “Jane Doe” is disputed and at the heart of the ongoing legal battle. .

In December, the woman sued Lanng, claiming that months after she was hired as an executive assistant at the San Francisco-based company, he forced her to sign a “slave contract.” She claimed years of rape, sexual abuse, torture and assault followed.

Tradeshift – which reached “unicorn” status in 2018 with a valuation of $1.1 billion – announced weeks before Doe filed its suit that it had fired Lanng for “gross misconduct on multiple grounds” after management was aware of “serious allegations of sexual assault and harassment” against him.

This week, Lanng sued Doe, along with Bryan Freedman, his prominent entertainment industry lawyer whom he accused of extortion. Lanng's countersuit also revealed a detail missing from Doe's lawsuit against him: Before suing, Lanng had agreed to pay him $10 million as part of a 2022 settlement to resolve his claims. Doe's lawsuit referenced the settlement but did not specify the amount.

In an email Friday, Lanng said he and Doe had a consensual relationship and that her lawsuit against him was “meritless.” The claims by Doe and his lawyers “are categorically false and directly contradicted by numerous and detailed evidence,” Lanng wrote.

Lanng alleged in an earlier statement to this news organization that the allegedly distorted version of the relationship described in Doe's lawsuit was being used to defame him “for personal financial gain.”

In his countersuit, filed Tuesday in U.S. District Court in San Jose, Lanng claimed the “slave contract” filed as Exhibit A in Doe's lawsuit against him “was nothing more than a downloaded sexual prop on the Internet and written mainly by Jane Doe and never used in reality. .”

Freedman responded, in a statement to this news agency: “Why would Lanng accept a $10 million settlement if the slavery contract was just an accessory? »




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